Herald-Times-Reporter from Manitowoc, Wisconsin (2024)

coots is of 6-M-Manitowoc (Wis.) Herald- Two Rivers Reporter, Feb. 8, 1969 Tax Load Is High in State Taxes occupy considerable attention these days, and it is quite reasonable to assume they concern more people than do i jobs, domestic or social responsibilities or other related areas, especially at this time of year. The projection that Wisconsin taxpayers will be required to carry an even greater share in the months ahead is not welcome news. especially since it has just been reported that they bear the heaviest load of state and local taxes per resident in the Great Lakes Region. Disconcerting.

too. is that they rank ninth in the nation in this connection. State and local tax collections, 81.5 billion in 1967, equaled $354 for each resident of the state, according to word from Tax Foundation Inc. New York had the highest per capita tax burden in 1967. Alabama the lowest, $192.

The Foundation's 15th forthcoming edition of its biennial handbook. Facts and Fig- ures on Government Finance. discloses that for the U.S. as a whole, total 1967 state and local tax collections represented $310 per person. Wisconsin's 1967 represented an over the 10-vear ure of $187.

The consin came to $120 sonal income in the per cent than in was 898. Nationally, collections in 1967 $1.000 of personal of 21 per cent in per capita figure increase of 90 per cent 1957 earlier fig. 1967 tax vield in Wis. per $1.000 of perstate, higher by 22 fiscal 1957 when it state and local tax equaled $106 per income. an increase the previous decade.

If the expression "misery loves company" leaves one with a measure of solace, we need but remind ourselves that state and local tax collections 118- tionally have more than doubled since fiscal 1957, going from $28.8 billion to $61.2 billion in fiscal 1967. Discipline Favored by Teachers Should discipline be a part of the teaching process, or at least a tool whereby the teacher may more effectively pursue his role in a classroom Yes, teachers should have the right to suspend students. At least that is what more than six in 10 teachers answered in a recent teacher opinion poll when asked, "Should teachers have the right to sus. pend unruly students from their class. es (not from school) without the approval of the principal?" A scientifically selected sample of the nation's public elementary and secondary school teachers was used, the National Education Assn.

has reported in the current issue of Today's Education. The results of the poll showed that about three in 10 teachers said "No," and the rest were uncertain. The majority of respondents answering "Yes" favored short-term suspensions not exceeding three days, with more than half of these recommending suspensions for only the remainder of the class period. The 17 per cent of "Yes" respondents who said they thought teachers should have the right to suspend students from their classes permanently included 25 per cent of all secondary school teachers who approved -authorized suspensions. There was no significant difference in opinions expressed by teachers in urban, suburban and rural communities.

It has long been accepted that the teacher's role is to teach, but some help is needed, and particularly in the realm of responsibility and behavior. We should be comforted. therefore, despite the "independence" flaunted so widely these days, that teachers want to do just that teach and that they favor some of the "old school" methods along with the modern concepts. From Our Newspaper Files 50 Years Ago his parents here. soldiers, Ed- MANITOWOC About 200 attended the playlet -The Case Against at the Pres.

byterian church parlors last evening. The skit was well presented and the work of R. A. Taite. H.

J. Hallock, Judge Chloupek and the Mmes. Leroy Anderson and R. A. Handel is deserving of special mention.

It is planned to take the same cast and repeat the play for patients at Maple Crest Growth of Young Men's Lutheran Society of the Evangelical Lutheran Church has been SO marked of late that it has outgrown its rooms and a meeting held last night had to be transferred to the larger hall of the school building and at the business session which followed it was unanimously voted to take immediate steps to enlarge the club quarters. The club has been in existence for three years and now numbers almost 100 members. Art Gerpheide is president of the banking commissioner has approved the articles of change of name of the German-American bank of this city to be the American Exchange Bank. TWO RIVERS The cast of characters for the Mishicot school play includes Lucy and Allen Stoneman. Hilda Jindra.

Esther Sincoular. Alfred and Viola Strouf. Mabel Pfingsten. Fred Wentker, Milton Stelzer. Olive Cretton.

Callis Niquette, Albert Mueller and Helen Duf*ck. The play is Tubbe Does Her Bit. Elmer Braun, who is employed as a cheesemaker at Oconto, spent Sunday with Schmitt from Camp Shelby, Arthur Mertens from San Antonio, Texas. William Schaefer. Elmer Wachtel, Joseph Ammermenn and Ralph Schultz.

25 Years Ago MANITOW0C. John C. Isslemann has successfully completed his course at the air forces officer candidate school at Miami Beach and has received his commission as a second lieutenant. local member of the U. S.

Marine Corps women's reserve is Miss Joyce Nesheim, daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nesheim. to toss his hat in the political ring here this year is Clarence Rottmann as a candidate for alderman from the fifth ward. TWO RIVERS Washington High School students Wednesday made a spectacular contribution to the Fourth War Loan Drive, purchasing $4,508.80 in series bonds to set an example for the speed up in the lagging phase of the drive here.

Elmer Gauthier. son of and Mrs. Louis Gauthier, who was graduated from the technical air force school Lowrey. Field. Denver, Colo.

on Jan. 28. has been transferred to a field in Califor. nia. Eddie Marquardt of the "Fighting Marquardts" of this city.

will appear in the amateur boxing show at Madison tomorrow evening when Coach Johnny Walsh sends 16 thoroughly conditioned University of Wisconsin mitt slingers into action at the fieldhouse. Three Minutes a Day JAMES KELLER CYCLE OF NATURE IN THE JUNGLE A fungus that feeds trees on their own dead leaves may be the key to the fertility of rain forests. After repeated crop failures on a land stripbed of jungle growth near the Amazon. a research team found a fungus. mycorrhiza, growing on the tree roots.

It digests and abcontent of tree droppings and directly back to the tree. very poor. the scientists When the jungle cover is removed. there nothing to bold the minerals for the ear cultural plants. and the land becomes barren true urgency for such research the experts said.

"since enormous areas of land formerly covered with rich rain forests have already been spoiled by the incorrect pattern of cutting and burning. Man has to avoid upsetting the balance of nature and to learn some of the methods with which an all-wise Creator has fashioned our world. This humble questioning is a trait we should all develop. -0 Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them Psalms 104:24 Open our eves. Father, to the coberent patterns with which You have structured the universe.

Hatlo's Thew'll Do It Every Time FOR HER TO AUNT SO HOW ARM CA VAINE BROUGHT WICH OF WHAT'S IN THE ABOUT BAGS DOES SHE WEAR? ONE GAMY 200 PO. 06 OF OUTFIT 3 DAYS HORSES NAW! THIS OUTFITS FINE! 'BYE NICE YOU -AREN'T YOU GOING FOR COULD COVE, TO WEAR ONE OF VAX ME DEAR! YOUR NICE DRESSES FOR A CHANGE 2-8 BOSTON, Donne SCATSIO 10 King lat, World Wisconsin Report Democrats' 'New Stance Now Calls for Higher Business Income Tax Washington Merry-Go-Round Scuttling of Antipoverty Program Senator's Goal By DREW PEARSON And JACK ANDERSON WASHINGTON Sen. John McClellan. a stockholder in two Arkansas Banks and a champion of government benefits to banks, is out to cut government benefits to the poor. The perpetually angry McClellen has little sympathey.

apparently. for people no money to deposit in banks. He, is grimly determined. says intimates. to break up the Office of Economic Opportunity, which runs the antipoverty program.

With this in mind. he is preparing to zero in on the Appalachian volunteers whose work among the poor has stirred up a controversy in the Kentucky hills. It seems that three of the early volunteers were raided by police, who found Marxist literature on the premises. All three were indicted for alleged "sedition." but were freed after the state sedition law was declared unconstitutional. To make matters worse.

some volunteers wore long hair and beards in their labors among the Kentucky poor. Evidently, this is no longer the style among the hill folk. All this has caused the Kentucky un-American activities committee deep anguish over a "'Communist conspiracy" to seize Pike County, Ky. Commonwealth attorney Thomas Ratliff, for instance, cried out in alarm that the alleged seditionists intended to "call on Russian tanks to help conquer Pike Ratliff patriotically promised appeal to Mayor Daley (of Chicago) and George Wallace (of Alabama) for help in defending Pike County, Chasing Communists For the past 18 months, the KUAC has pursued alleged and imagined Communists through the Kentucky Hills. Now Sen.

McClellan, his righteous dander up. has joined the chase. It is quite true that the three who were indicted for sedition worked briefly for the Appalachian Volunteers, who. in turn. are financed by the 0E0.

The OE0 long a 20 investigated the trio. found them to be too radical for the government good and threw them out. Thereafter, a ninemember evaluation team surveyed the work of the Appalachian volunteers and concluded: "Charges against them on political grounds or of their dress and personal conduct were generally in the past tense and did not relate to the AV personnel or activities the team was able to observe. In short. it was the team's view that.

within their limited resources. the AVS are making an effective contribution to efforts to eliminate poverty within the region of their operations." The irony is that the ousted radicals have remained in the Kentucky hills, financed by some mysterious source, and are now carrying on a rival effort to win the allegiance of the impoverished mountaineers. Thus McClellan, by training his sights on the Appalachian volunteers. not only will be hurting the poor but be helping the people he professes to believe are seditionists. Bank Boondoggle The banking giants are preparing an all-out fight against amendments to the Bank Holding Company Act which would plug loopholes in the law and bar them from nonbanking business enterprises in competition with their customers.

Battling for the amend. ments. side by side for: a change, will be two old foes. Chairman Wright Patman of the House Banking Committee and Chairman William McChesney Martin of the Federal Reserve Board. It will be interesting to see what position President Nixon By JOHN WYNGAARD One of the anomalies in the raging dispate betweenlegislative Democrats Republicans about policy is the abandonment tat, the Democrats of what was for many years a bipartisan and tacit agreement that corporation taxes sbould not be raised beyond their existing levels.

Even when Democrats controlled the governorship and their governors were proposing tax programs and writing tax bills. there was an unspoken consensus that It would be dangerous, in a state concerned with the development of its industrial base and the improvement of its economic climate in generalto make it conspicocas in the country by raising an already comparatively high business income tax rate. Problem Confronted Others Allowing for changing times inflation and all of the complications resulting therefrom the financial problems fronting Gov. Nelson at the beginning of the decade. and Gov.

Reynolds who was 015 immediate successor. were substantially similar, but they did not ask for corporation tax boosts. Nor did their legislative leadership of those times. But in the first reactions to Gov. Knowles request for a revision of personal income tax and the expansion of the sales tax which were planned.

however spontaneous they were made to seem the Democrats complained Washington Notebook Bird-Bee By NOEL GROVE WASHINGTON (NEA Sex may be in the big leagues where coverage (and uncoverage) is concerned in today's media, but there's evidence it still hasn't replaced baseball as the national pastime. This theory is advanced under the formula of public acceptance. And, according to a report by the National School Public Relations you can still learn to bat and field a grounder at the schoolhouse but when it comes to learning about the birds and bees, the odds are against you. Sex education in public schools continues to be the target of intensified attacks across the country, says association in "Education U.S.A." The move to curricularize frank and accurate discussion of a subject that has long been the chasm in the generation gap began within the past decade. Liberal sexologists got the subject into the classroom and the textbooks and felt confident they had emancipated education but they had underestimated the power of parent pressure groups.

Center of Controversy Within the past six months, Education U.S.A. reports, sex education programs have become the center of bitter controversies throughout the country. Several cities have been forced to scuttle or postpone sex education programs, including Phoenix, Albuquerque, Parsippany, N. La Grange. Salt Lake City and areas in Oklahoma.

Washington, Minnesota and New York. And in California, the New Left isn't the only group putting heat on the seats of learning. The state board of education has ordered an investigation of all sex programs in the Two Rivers Public Debate Letters to the Public Debate are lim. ited to 300 words written on one side of the paper only and must bear the signature, telephone number and address of the writer, not necessarily for publication, but as evidence of good faith. The editor reserves the right to reject or change letters that are libelous, not in good taste, or for other reason.

Letters of more than 300 words will be cut down at the discretion of the editor. To the Editor: Just who do some of the people in Manitowoc think they are? Maybe a quote from the recent Reader's Digest under cartoon quips has the answer: "People who look down on garbage collectors forget that to them they are just garbage producers." Come on. Get off your can and bring it out to the curb. RB Mother, 2 Sons Die in Garage MILWAUKEE (AP) The bodies of Violeta Grady and her two sons were found Friday in a garage which was filled with carbon monoxide fumes. Authorities said Mrs.

Grady, 23, had left her car's engine running to provide warmth while she was cleaning the garage. She had placed her sons, Jefrey, 5, and Jason, 2, in the car. about what they called the favoritism toward corporations. Labor Showed Restraint No recent party platform has had anything to say on the matter. which fortified the idea that here was an 1 area of agreement.

There bipartisan has been no more consistent critic of broad sales taxation than the organized labor leadership of the state, but it has also held a stance, of silence on the subject could only be construed as restraint during a decade of recurring financial trouble at the statehouse. To a lesser degree, perhaps. there has been a tendency for agreement that the state cannot get too far out of line with respect to the top rate on persocal income taxes without calling attention to its punitive policies and possibly impeding the migration of persons and corporations into the state or encouraging the emigration. But bere again the Democrats, in the absence of any higher party spokesmen. bave apparently changed their stance.

Erred on the Facts Then first statements. inac. 25 turned out. claimed that the Republican bodget bill favored earners of $14.000 net income and more excluding them from the Knowles income tax revision proposal In point of fact. such earners are included.

to the same extent as any other taxpayer. in each bracket of their income. but with a top percentage limit of 10 per cent on Education Still public schools, sparked by letters and calls from discontented parents. Sex education has become a court case in three California cities San Mateo, San Luis Obispo and Sacramento. Parents filing suit have charged the boards with invasion of privacy Well-Organized Pressure comes from small but well-organized groups, many with ties to extreme right-wing political organizations.

say the school PR people. John Birch Society, President Robert Welch already To Your Good Health By G. C. THOSTESON, M.D. Dear Dr.

Thosteson: I am a member of a large family and we all concur that we have a "problem parent." Embarrassing, but we know that it is a mental disorder. Could you please identify it for us? This parent is 68 (the mother) and incites family friction between us, then retires to a mood of satisfaction. Then awaits the next opportunity to do damage. What can we J.B.C. There may be medical aspects to this problem, related to arteriosclerosis affecting vessels Dr.

welcomes reader mail but due to the volume receiv ed daily, he is unable to answer individual letters. Readers' questions, are answered when possible. Dr. Thosteson the brain. There could, conceivably, be some brain damage from other causes.

It is more likely a personality problem, however. For whatever reasons, this "problem parent" delights in stirring up trouble. It unlikely that she would, cooperate by seeing, a psychiatrist, but this sidered. But problems like yours do 00- cur, and it is a pity to let such situations continue unchecked, destroying happiness and even, perhaps, leaving emotional scars on the rest of the family. Since she is 68, I assume that the other members of the family are by now all adults, or nearly so.

Who is the head of the family? It would seem to me to be high time to lay down the law. Some older folks (although 68 isn't so very old these days) have to be given some rules to live by, just as children do, if they cannot establish such rules for themselves. You say that "we all concur" that the problem exists. Then why not have a family council and decide among yourselves to refuse to honor any remarks from your "problem parent" that can incite any friction? Honoring one's parents is only right but it means respecting them for what they have done well. It does not mean that it is either right or sensible to let a troublemaker get away with it.

There is, to the best of my knowledge, no particular name for the type of emotional distur- income beyond $14,000. It was the latter policy that the Democrats were complaining about, but in their haste to get their indignation on the record. they erred on the facts. Maybe the graduation of the income tax table should conti nue beyond $14,000, for an effective rate far beyond 10 per cent as a maximum. Represents New Position But, again, it is useful to re.

member that this is a new position for the party. Three Democratic administrations in the decade, as worried about financing as the Republicans are today, declined to make more severe what if not the highest, effective tax on incomes in the country. This has publicized Wisconsin unfavorably. They also recognized on the basis of the earlier "blue ribbon" tax revision study and others that raising the upper level rates is relatively unproductive, whatever the uninitated may believe, and that Wisconsin does not taxi in a vacuum. As in the case of corporations, upper level earners are subjected to heavy levies of the federal government.

These are often difficult subjects for persons unschooled in taxation and economics to comprehend, but the bulk of the net taxable income of the state is within the first $3,000 of income of its inhabitants. Currently it produces 49 per cent of the income tax yield, a figure it is useful to remember. will take in this struggle, since former President Eisenhower strongly urged that Congress give "further attention" to loopholes in the Holding Company Act when he signed it on May 9. 1956. The law.

for instance, prohibits any company which owns 25 per cent or more of two commercial banks from operating businesses related to banking. However. any company which controls only one bank The law defines 25 per cent or more as control), no matter how big that bank is. is not subject to the restrictions. Thus.

some of largest banks in the U.S. are now converting to one-bank holding companies in order to circumvent the law. Laughs at Danger The First National City Bank of New York already has squeezed through the loophole. The Bank of America and other leading banks also are planning to foMow suit if the loophole is left unplugged. Since the days of the depression federal banking laws have sought to separate the business of banking from nonbanking enterprises, so that adequate sources of credit are available to all business without discrimination.

Otherwise. banks would be free to compete in business against their own customers and, by withholding credit, either drive them to the wall or dominate their operations. Ralph McGill was not only a courageous newspaper editor, but he had a sense of humor. When one of the authors of this column telephones McGill in Atlanta to tip him off that a member of the Ku Klux Klan was in Washington boasting of a plot to kill McGill. the crusading Atlanta Constitution editor laughed.

"Is he the one with a Smith and Wesson revolver or the one with the home-made bomb?" he asked. McGill kept writing his courageous editorials until he died this week. Today in History By The Associated Press By The Associated Press Today is Saturday, Feb. 8, the 39th day of 1969. There are 326 days left in the year.

Today's highlight in history: On this date in 1904 the Japanese besieged Port Arthur in Manchuria, beginning the Russo-Japanese war. On this date: In 1587. Mary, Queen of Scots, was beheaded by order of Queen Elizabeth I of England. In 1690. Mohawk Indians and French troops attacked Schenectady, N.Y.

In 1861, Arkansas troops seized the U.S. arsenal at Little Rock as Southern states were rebelling against the federal government. In 1910, the Boy Scouts of America was formed. In 1940. during World War II.

every tenth person was shot in two villages near Warsaw, Poland in reprisal for the deaths of two German soldiers. In 1955, Soviet Premier Georgi Malenkov resigned and was succeeded by Marshal Nikolai A. Bulganin. Ten years ago The United States approved an Indonesian request for military equipment to outfit 20 army battalions. Five years ago A government crisis in the Netherlands was solved as Princess Irene renounced rights to the throne so she could marry Prince Carlos Hugo of Bourbon Palma.

One year ago Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, said in a speech the United States could not win the war in Vietnam. OFFERED COMMAND Gen: Robert E. Lee, the Confederate leader, was offered supreme command of the Union forces in the field at the outbreak of the Civil War, but declined.

Flies Low said sex education is part of a Communist plot to destroy the morals of youth and to keep them obsessed with sex. Some of the groups fighting the sex classes are People Against Unconstitutional Sex Education (PAUSE), sanity on Sex (SOS), and Mothers for Moral Stability (MOMS). With such genius for the homespun acronym, it's a wonder no group has yet come up with a name like Association of People Protesting Libertarian Ethics, Particularly In Education. You know, APPLE PIE. bance that is involved here, but it might not be amiss to keep an eye out for any intensification of it that could require psychiatric attention.

or even hospitalization. Have you talked with the family physician about her? Dear Dr. Thosteson: I have a weight problem. I am 11 years old and weigh 160 pounds. What should I do? You do have a problem, don't you? First: Get your mother to take you to your doctor for a checkup to see whether you have a sluggish thyroid or any other condition that needs medical attention.

Second: Make some rules for yourself. No nibbling (on pop or candy) between meals. Omit all desserts. Never take second helpings of anything. Third: Get your mother to help you learn which are lowcalorie and which are highcalorie foods.

Avoid gravies, fried foods, all kinds of fats. Skim milk will give you plenty of calcium but with less fat. Learn to eat vegetables (but no cream sauces on them) instead of so much bread and butter. And no jam or jelly! Fourth: Ride a bike. Walk.

Run. Play games. Do calisthenics. But get a lot of exercise to burn up some of your fat. Fifth: Don't expect to lose weight in a hurry.

It takes time. Sixth: Don't skip meals. But keep all meals smaller than they used to be. If you don't learn some of the above rules for weight control now, you will be troubled all your life. Note to M.C.: Yes, allergy certainly contributes to a great many cases of bronchitis.

Not the sole factor, of course, in all. You can lose weight if you really want to! Dr. Thosteson's booklet. "Lost Secrets of Reducing," tells you how-naturally and with no gimmicks to the level best suited to your individual needs. For a copy, write to Dr.

Thosteson, care of this newspaper, enclosing 35 cents in 1 coin and a long, self addressed, stamped envelope. DUCKS COMBAT HERB MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -Cuban researchers have discovered a simple way to combat a parasithat causes heavy damage to tobacco leaves. Radio Havana said researchers have discovered that ducks love to eat the herb so the government turned 7,000 quackers loose in the country's tobacco fields. 03 Ale cite.

Herald-Times-Reporter from Manitowoc, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.