Herald-Times-Reporter from Manitowoc, Wisconsin (2024)

60th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kasten of Rt. 1, Maribel, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary Sunday. Actual date of the anniversary is May 24.

There will be a family dinner, for 50 people at noon, and a buffet supper for 150 guests, both meals at the Kasten home. There will also be open house during the evening. Mrs. Kasten, who is 79 years old, is the former Emilie Kohn. She was born Jan.

17, 1882 at Cooperstown. Her husband was born Jan. 28, 1877 at Gibson. They were married May 24, 1901, at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church by the Rev.

Christian Ziechert, and have lived in Gibson and Maribel since that time. All of their children, 20 of their 21 grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren, will attend the celebration. Only one unable to attend is a grandson, Wallace Kasten, who is in the U. S. Navy.

The children are Mrs. Walter (Beata) Gauger, Herbert, Fred and August, of Maribel; Mrs. Raymond (Clara) Ihlenfeld, Mrs. Ewald (Ruth) Duescher, and Mrs. Raymond (Elsie) Kratz of Luxemburg; and Raymond of Rt.

3, Manitowoc. Another son, Paul, was killed in World War II, and a daughter, Selma, died when she was 14 years old. STATE -Miss Catherine Wachtel of Two Rivers, a member Mystical Rose Circle, Daughters of Isabella, REGENTManitowoc, was elected state regent at the annual state convention Wednesday at Holy Rosary Catholic Church, New Holstein. She will be honored at a reception from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in Sacred Heart Hall, Manitowoc.

Members of circles in several communities have been invited to attend. (Vassar Studio). This Week at the Manitowoc Public Library AVIATION The The Wild Blue Force Magazine The story of American airpow- The er. Strategic Air Mel Hunter to The story of the men and weap- The ons of SAC. Tiger on a Leash.

Moscow My The causes behind Northeast Airlines crash on Rikers Island, N. in 1957. Flight Facts for Private Merrill Tower All the fundamentals of flying. BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Rules for Alphabetical American Records Management Association The Strategy of Desire. Ernest Dichter This eloquent answer to Pack- In ard's "'Hidden Persuaders" is an authoritative description of the science of motivation.

Principles of Accounting, Advanced Harry Finney Credit and Collection Richard Morris New techniques to make collection letters work. Employee Communications in Action Newcomb, Techniques in achieving employer-employe harmony, based on practical case studies. Personnel Management Walter Scott ARTS AND CRAFTS Block and Silk Screen Printing. A. Ahlberg The Story of Jewelry.

Marcus Baerwald A popular account of the lure, lore, and science of gems. Printmaking with Henry Rasmusen Designing and Making HandWrought Jewelry. Joseph Shoenfelt NATURE The Nature of Violent Louis Battan A Biography of the Richard Carrington The story of the world ocean, of its life and its influence on human society. ac- Living Fishes of the Earl Herald di- Includes over 300 photographs, Coun-145 in color. The Kirtland Harold Mayfield Principles of Classification and a Classification of Mammals George Simpson Lightning Peter Viemeister The nature of lightning and how protect yourself from it.

Fern Edgar Wherry FICTION Hero Carson Sylvia Cunningham Wisconsin in Their August Derleth Where the Hummingbird Frank Hercules Mark of Treachery. Clarence Kelland Honey for Robert Lait Gideon's Fire J. Marric Don't Tell Alfred Nancy Metford Fear of John Slimming Seven Years Seldon Truss OTHER NEW BOOKS The Fifty-Year Decline and of Ezra Goodman An explosive and serious book about the movies. The Smut Peddlers. James Kilpatrick The p*rnography racket and law.

Lanterns and Lancers. James Thurber A variety of encounters women, men, and other children as well as some less confusing creatures. Seven Miles Jacques Piccard The story of the bathyscaph Trieset. The Old Man's Boy Grows Older. Robert Ruark A wealth of entertaining ing in these anecdotal memories.

Bake Sale There will be a bake sale starting at 6 a.m. Sunday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, N. Seventh and State Streets, Manitowoc, Need Something--Advertise CARD PARTY May 21 Sponsored by St. Marys Congregation Clarks Mills, Wisconsin School Hall at 8 P.M. All games and lunch NOTICE TRY OUR BIGBIG NOTICE and seed Two our patties toasted own of bun, dressing.

freshly Double-Decker with crisp ground lettuce. beef on a slice of specially American Burger! baked cheese seame EDILON TRY ONE OF OUR SUPER THICK MALTS OR SHAKES! Warren's Restaurant Open Day (Formerly the Arctic) Closed and Night 905 Washington Manitewoe Sundays NOTICE Manitowos (Wis.) Herald-Times, May 19, 1961 Two Rivers Reporter-M-3 MARINERS GRADUATE Members of Girl Scout Mariner Ship 9, Manitowoc, received their graduation certificates at a "graduation party" Wednesday evening at the home of Barbara Wuellner, 1623 Grand Manitowoc. Mrs. Richard Clayton, left, presented certifi- CHECK FOR HOSPITAL-A check for more than $529.22 was presented to Memorial by the Hospital Auxiliary at the latter group's spring dinner meeting Wednesday evening at Hotel Manitowoc. From left are Mrs.

Otto Berndt, ways and means committee: Mrs. Charles Spindler, president of the Auxiliary; Miss Dar- lyne Olson, who gave a reading at the meeting; Mrs. Harold Kugler, vice president; and W. E. Mac Eachran, president of the Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees.

The check represented the proceeds of a card party given by the auxiliary at Branch River Country Club. (Photo by staff photographer). Delightful En Entertainment 'Visit to a Small Planet' By JOHN HARMON "Delightful wholesome comedy light, rib-tickling entertainment These words and others could be used in describing the three-act comedy, "Visit to a Small which opened a three-night stand Thursday at Woodrow Wilson Junior High School auditorium, Manitowoc. The production, presented by The Masquers Inc. of Manitowoc, deserved better audience appreciation than it received opening night.

Flubbed lines, poor timing, sound and lighting troubles usual bugaboos of any opening night so few and far between they were noticeable only to the most critical observer. Marilee Meisnest and Joseph Maltby were especially strong in their roles of Ellen and Kreton in the fast-moving, highly entertaining stage production. The play is woven around the visit to Planet Earth by a "Mammal" from another dimension and things happen fast from the moment the space ship arrives on the lawn outside the Roger Spelding home near Manassas, Va. Tricks in Dimension Kreton, the "Mammal" from outer space somewhere, attempts to interest leading world nations of earth in a world war through his tricks in dimension. Earth is saved only through deep concentration on the part of Ellen.

There is just enough action in the play to keep even the small fry of the audience on the edge of his seat. Only one "actor" actually flubbed a line. Rosemary, played by had only one line but when it cates to: first row, from left, Nancy Pierson, Ann Spevachek, Faye Rulseh, Karen Worthington and Barbara Wuellner; second row, from left, Karen Kujawski, Mary Wittak and Beverly Mach. (Photo by staff photographer) Hospital Group Has Quarterly Dinner Meeting A dinner preceded the quarterly meeting of the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary at Hotel Manitowoc Wednesday night. Mrs.

Charles Spindler, president, presided. Among the special guests attending were Miss Ann Reimer, recipient of the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary scholarship, who will attend Columbia Hospital at Milwaukee, and George Rickheit of the Burrell specialists in fund raising, who is here to organize the fund raising campaign for the addition to Memorial Hospital. Mrs. W. E.

MacEachran, accepted a check for $529.22, the proceeds of the card party sponsored by the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary in January. Mrs. MacEachran is president of the Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees. Mrs. Harold Kugler, program chairman, introduced Miss Darlyne Olson, first place winner in interpretive reading of the University of Wisconsin Extension Centers, who gave the reading "The Fall of Adam and Eve." A standing ovation was given to Mrs.

Albert Engel and Mrs. Emil Westphal who have been active on the sewing committee since 0c- tober of 1953. They were introduced by Mrs. Karl Huebner, sewing committee chairman. Mrs.

Otto Berndt and Mrs. Robert Hamachek, co-chairmen of the ways and means committee, announced the dates of the Christmas bazaar. The bazaar will be held Nov. 27 and 28 at Lincoln Park Fieldhouse. It was voted to provide a table, umbrella and chairs for the lawn at Memorial Hospital for the use of the patients.

Mrs. E. C. Hein, chairman of the pie and ice cream social, announced it would be given from 2 to 8 p.m. June 27 on the grounds of the Oscar Richter home.

Marian Award Received by Carol Strebel Carol Strebel, intermediate Girl Scout of Troop 111, Manitowoc, received the Marian Award at the annual Girl Scout mother-daughter dinner held Wednesday at Sacred Heart School, Manitowoc. Mrs. James Kumbalek presented Carol with the Marian Award, the highest award a Catholic Girl Scout can earn. Five of her troopmates earned the curved-b ar. They were Linda Grotbak, Lynn Zechel, Penny Pitz, Michele Wagner and Margaret Dickens.

Many first class, second class, five point stars and proficiency badges were given to Girl Scouts and Mariners of Sacred Heart. Mrs. Louis Ansorge, a member of the Wisconsin Society of Ornithology, who has a permit to collect bird nests, showed slides native birds and told about their nesting habits. She exhibited tual nests which she has collected. Miss Dorothy Fischl, district rector of Manitou Girl Scout cil, gave a talk on day camp and urged all the girls to attend this summer.

The following leaders were troduced and commended for their work during the past year: Mrs. Francis Zechel, Mrs. Victor Bohachek. Mrs. Paul LaCosse, Mrs.

Emil Oswald, Mrs. Frank Frieder. Mrs. Woodrow Stangel, Mrs. Thomas McKee, Mrs.

Eugene Kummer, Mrs. Harry Kelley Mrs. Russell Halversen. Mariners of Ship 10 sponsored cookie and candy sale after dinner. From the German cuisine: fluffy meat balls cooked in boiling water and served with a thin gravy enlivened by lemon juice capers.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kasten (Staff Photo) Reorganized Dental Auxiliary Has Meeting The first meeting of the newly reorganized Manitowoc County Dental Auxiliary was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harold Just. New officers elected were Mrs.

Richard Sell, president; Mrs. Roy Fronk, vice president; Mrs. R. 1 P. Rotter, treasurer; Mrs.

D. H. Wenstadt, recording secretary and Mrs. Ralph Petersen, corresponding secretary. Mrs.

Elmer Schuette was chosen as board member with Mrs. David Holtman as alternate. New committee chairmen are Mrs. J. D.

Kozelka, amalgam chairman for Two Rivers; Mrs. Henry Lipschutz, amalgam chairman for Manitowoc; Mrs. W. W. Just, courtesy; Mrs.

Eric Press, historian; and Mrs. D. H. Wenstadt, publicity. The September meeting will be at the home of Mrs.

Stefan Urban. Mrs. Roy Fronk and Mrs. G. M.

Cisler will be co-hostesses. Shower Honors Mrs. Gauthier A stork shower was given recently in honor of Mrs. Dale Gauthier. Hostesses were Mrs.

Vlasta Erdman and Miss Janet Erdman. Prizes were won by Mrs. Curt Lawrence and Mrs. John Osieczanek, attendance; Mrs. Albert Miss Maples Is Engaged to Gregory Mason Mrs.

S. J. Maples of 728 N. 12th Manitowoc, is announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Judith Anne, to Gregory Owen Mason of Long Beach, Calif. Miss Maples is a graduate of Lincoln High School and received her bachelor of science degree from the University of WisconsinMilwaukee.

She is teaching first grade at Long Beach. Her fiance is a graduate of Long Beach City College and Long Beach State College. He is employed in yacht sales. They will be married July 16 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Manitowoc followed by a an extended stay in the Hawaiian Islands.

Miss Judith Anne Maples Pollen, Mrs. Luther Day and Mrs. (John Erdman, bunco; and Mrs. Russell Walesh, Mrs. John Osieczanek and Mrs.

Karlyn Sparkman, sheepshead; Attending the shower were Mrs. Lillian Schmitt, Mrs. Karlyn Sparkman, Mrs. Peter Reimer, Mrs. William C.

Kurth, Mrs. Russell Walesh, Mrs. John Osieczanek, Mrs. Gerald Hutchinson, Mrs. Albert Pollen, Mrs.

Roman Salta, Mrs. Julia Foat, Mrs. George Erdman, Mrs. Mary Granger, Mrs. Leonard Zewicki, Mrs.

Richard Cherney, Mrs. Curt Lawrence, Mrs. Luther Day, Mrs. John Erdman, Miss Mary Ann Wondrash, Miss Janet Mattfield, Miss Audrey Rezek and Miss Kathy Foat. Confirmation Is Sunday A class of 16 boys and girls will be confirmed Sunday at St.

John Evangelical Church, South 15th and Marshall streets, ManitoWOC, The Rev. Paul Blaufuss is pastor. Members of the class are Kathy Blahnik, William Krueger, Thomas Burns, Rayanne Rather, Linda Buxbaum, Jane Reay, Nancy Duveneck, Wayne Shaffer, John Patricia Voboril, James Erdmann, Donald Vogt, Sandra Heinrichs, Jan Walker, Karen Jorsch and Dawn Ziarnik, played the part of aide to General came time to speak up she who is actually a he stared stonily out across the lights into the audience. A backstage prompter, quickly supplied a loud whisper Otherwise, "Bozo" the cat, was up to every cue. Stuart Olson, farm director of an area radio station, handled the part of General Tom Powers in masterful fashion.

Frank Kadlec, newcomer to the stage and an instructor Lincoln High School, turned in an excellent performance as Roger Spelding, a television announcer concerned with saving mankind. Marilyn Zarn, a Masquer veteran, was outstanding as Roger's wife and mother of teenage Ellen. Typical Teenager Miss Meisnest, a student at University of Wisconsin Extension Center at Manitowoc, was magnificent as Ellen, the typical teenager. Her presence was deeply the moment she appeared on stage. She carried her part to the smallest detail in excellent manner.

Gary Weaver, a student at Lincoln High School and no newcomer to stage lights, excellently portrayed the teenage heart throb of Ellen. Maltby, an English instructor at the Extension Center here, had participated in only one play prior to Thursday night's performance but he handled every line and every movement as though a seasoned veteran. David Thorne, art instructor a at Washington Junior High School, appeared right at home on stage even though the program indicated his last role was that of a cow several years ago in a Kalamazoo, children's theatre. He Powers. Jim Scott, assistant manager at Sears Roebuck Co.

store, Manitowoc, appeared in his first 1 role and was excellent as Delton, the second visitor from another dimension. Carroll Tabaka and Gene Cramer, neither of whom is a newcomer behind stage lights, rounded out the cast. The pair played the parts of television technicians. The entire production clearly revealed the expert guidance of Director 1 Betty Cramer and her assistant, Mrs. Eugene Gehl.

The play will be staged this Friday evening and again Saturday. Curtain time is 8:15 o'clock. "Visit to a Small Planet" has be viewed to be appreciated and should be on the "must" list for all who enjoy comedy in a light, airy vein. It is excellent family entertainment! Births Mr. and Mrs.

Emil E. Cisler of 2309A Marshall Manitowoc, are the parents of a son born May 17 at Holy Family Hospital. A daughter was born May 18 at Holy Family Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R.

Rogala, Rt. 4, Manitowoc. Parents of a daughter born May 18 at Holy Family Hospital are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Klein, 908 S.

37th Manitowoe. At Holy Family Hospital a son was born May 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kerwin of 633 N.

Ninth Manitowoc. Mr. and Mrs. James Fuhs of 1444 N. 10th Manitowoc, are the parents of a son born May 17 at Memorial Hospital.

HALT THAT RAVELING When you cut a buttonhole. put colorless nail polish on the edges. This will keep it from raveling. FAST SERVICE DRIVE-IN GOOD FOOD Open Daily at 7:00 A.M., Sundays at 8:00 A.M. Car Service from 11:00 A.M.

ON the PENQUIN CALUMET AVE. McDonald's the drive-in with the arches McDonald's Cheeseburgers Made with nippy, taste-tempting cheddar cheese, especially prepared for McDonald's. Grilled with juicy pure beef hamburger, ground fresh daily. Served in seoonds piping hot and delicious on a toasted bun. McDonald's for cleanliness, convenience and value.


Herald-Times-Reporter from Manitowoc, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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