Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

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Richmond Times-Dispatchi

Richmond, Virginia

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terar yp Money In Loan Up la $600 53 iu Richmond Furuiluro ft Houarhold 63 As kivita yiu'to'vllll aur wed hir- niluri dapartmanli wnndarhd buv In bedroom dining room ond llvin) Antiques Rtproductioni 71 ARIVIN0 THURSDAY NDV 7 nFW THR BEST ANTlOUS PR "FW PENNSYLVANIA MIC Electric Appliancri 68-A WClTINftMOUkR "APRUANClf" It PTH CFNT ABOVE DEALER COST Stryira dfiivary and lnafldng avail FURNITURE SALVAGE XI BROAD 444 0737 liiOCiciBCTT sd Trmo FOR IAI FOR Rif Von mg la aitai'icteai imi houio larogR He Can AT i 4114 Brawn wiin cabw IXg inpatiiy Wyno Sdteg lmM Mk ig MAfHlNFRY now mod Alim Lteu-nwnl 443 04 mohlt 1W 1 177 biKh naw David Eradiayrgaarv drivdA 3d 10 (ham MW BE llav ONAN Rowir unite gni iifr laiei and lervlc lmi 1111 Ruianaulll Bond- EL -IM FOR 'RENT Arcwldlnf machine' Ard Egutemenl Ch 11 wi Cory MlTclfl Lincoln ar( Widr 'lx 'om-rre lUl 75 ampar- 1141 (or- re Imilh culling ana gull 1 11 Arrl quip mill PIP LB Ml 4 4172 TRAIL BISS' Open Toin-'tainog Cent laid Hen alia uitd trailer wlirt-l rinn o'a land no rvi i nil ui tor yrur naedi 744 7M pu va 7BJ) Riqhig OPO-liM wHi 1311 bnenhee "-i tender) tomptelaiy rab-iul S4'T: Inteinnllrnnl Xl with 12 II borkl-rg and Mortar 11171 Ferrtkon Mair Diitel rehulll enqint It kd OLD DOMINION TRACTOR CO XOI WFMMORPI ANO ST Cull 111 ITS? yi Salesmen Wanted 47 aiao aaiara am a inui SALESMAN Who Is PRCMOTABLE I ana siabinhed fdmnony hna paluniiy hr man wiihaul aa" ani a mi aur liria wna hoi amki lian ana nntlliMte lor lalaa monnu man! Nignt man will qualify fr H'ametien hi 4 la I men'hs and than mnv Imp pnni'en wwi HMama ai MOM la ltd 000 yaorlv an pern oja avarrioni hnna Person rhaian wnl rertiv hiU MiVlH I and lino ira nmo Onm nm ami tar qmi lad parMn la Pi lurmar pramaian In rnolm wi'h inronw in rri al 0)0 i you o' a a High inhhia ni-n Irak en inr yned pam anirt posllcq WHh a lnui cml Mr i ran Inr orpaniiwnl prioia 3 4 (996 Na mloinwI'M will ha van an laiatihana 3 1 BuilDt Brlaiira aanrsilveeenrl nurd ku ri'iion In uraaiaa randan McrcliRndiiE for Sala 17 OUPI If ATORV-Ukad mlmapgrnphad miillllllh PHatornpy and Mint Miwcfc A fa 717 Mnm I Fi rcrmc'iiOT WATER HfATTR-04 gal nw Iklj- gm hnl water Hanl ar naw 30 oal Vi bnlhhihi and to lali mart tnrhi naw pipa nnd HHinm Wa rul and Ihrnad pipe I Rm A Cn 4d Riook Pd (nniwann MnnHnll and toyl 0 FNi'VCIOIFOHUJWarld Book val umai prmiiiaiiy nawi raai Buy 710 AIM alter 0 i And 6ralter''bnak al knawiadga wllH bank (Half I' 440 441 ENCVCI Glva World Bonk ana ChHdcrofi ter (hrlilmno and ova id all Haemal Managrr Ml 1771 ATJ7II GO ART! thruimai lay many Cl II I Marina Ml 1)134 JJ04 Mwihnll kl PA'NT- iTPX 1710 GAL ALVIN LEAKE 371 BROAD RADIO PHONE -RCA 77MC rill ran band 3 way radio phand Ivpf CNM P701 4144 PrcORD 11 Ayr its SteranpHonir iatiiln Motorola elhwi Sain end karvua Hite a ymr nrdar mw ba lino of dahvary lor Chrlilmai Binka i ElKlrK 1700 Bread Si AfE -Sniolir Wl'1 illi Nationals SF" mi Dimowl 4 iWRl RV Grand Cponinq SPECIALS SurT pm 14)0 valu Diamond ring almml enrol amir aid cut diamond mid mounlinf HX voiu our pcHR Digniond Hnfl eani dtemind R1'' I COfOl A 4 it no full omond 10 volut 6tif prkt a mm iM niomond wniiot fM I I JJJT LJlTi Miiiito fnii fijf tiqmoiwH tw WO'Oni 7 rarni iel f'VHo'l nmunlng IkkO vnma teir prl' i to plnlinum wairh I -lewd am ament MO ur vri Dromond rind mao'i 5 Iwljj whlo dmmnndi ml to hraid-lHiy iSi'017-'o vote- Jacobs Son XI EAST BROAD STREET 79 Bkjrcle room lurnliure Alin kilrlwn iirlllli rnngai relrloerntor and wnshen See thne bargain! today end lav lave invil rAuNTREES 111 BROAD It 3 COMPLETE ROOMS $199 No References Needed $10 Down $10 Month HCATERS FRIOIDAIRE OR STOVE MS 1 19 Broad Ml 9-2244 Open Mon io Sat 9-9 This Is a Cream Puff 1 complete reami af furniturt and appiieffim including bcaulihil lefa that renvdrlc Into Dtd tor two and matching chair 3 and fob lei 1 decorator tempi beautiful double Mr and Mri drauor with tilling mirror moiltr-i-it cheil-on-chml and glamerem boakcait bed 7-piara Will yMtfllHIC'HB IBBIHkBW imwi Just tcli hew much you need to pay old bils for home improvements car repairs for a'l your seasonal expenses Phone for prompt courteous service fmh Vau hereto I'M 41 Ml 40 4'1M W7 1 WIN Oymrnte 110 00 Mi 10 00 ro 10 id 31 DO 3300 AHnva rales tarlude Inter rsl and priihinat THa Inlaraal raia 1" par rnnniH an llw unpaid bnmnra ua A AA Loans up to Ml MMJ 1 tnt UB9 Bland AT 7 77)1 I i TF IF VISION-All typai Zanllh ralar Factory ai'fhnrlrrd Wt do nur awn larvlrinq BtokRi ElRcIrlc I70F Brand SI vTiin Fnrmir'l Treln pair 737 Belt Elvd 71 TRANSISTOR nie parted II tor Chriihnoi 174 2 BROAD YORK ANO A BRAC MARBLE TOPSIM-N FURNITURE OH Al I TYPFS TC MARTHA WASHINGTON ANTlOUCS RT 4nd WAKIFlCIP VA i Sewiri MiehiREE 71 -A BALER AND BEBVICB SlRtlflf PRfjRWa' Buy 174M Call tor dwnonilrj lion land Ml 11)1 SEWiNO machinw Ranonencd A law ai 170 1171 A RiRQd 1 WeiriR Apparel 72 BABY ciaihm mow wu'oiiri'tite I Alia do'll tea tel IV 1IJ2 CIOTHFS RACK IS MAIN WOMENS COATS AND SUITS NoluioTmr fuif lang'to I'f" 14 '1 Rrn-onobte J37 771 Man I i 40 Hart S'4 lady! kulskin orka ill 0 SJ 4(74 Shtofl Aye I Cameras 72-A PHOTO SUPPLIES ELECTRONIC' FI ASH-tteMl el Irie ya 35 mm I4lti Sloteri 711 TOP Irad on new comirnk Sloter'i 71 III GOING out el birinciT eliar IS yearn locnficina Kodak Lftico Rll Howtll Polaroid tic buy now and IIWItllp love Brad Camara Shop 4lh St 7 donri tram I aaw i Musical Radio Teleriiioo 73 Drum! ouilori Low Rclcei aaiy term Aitor'i HI Norlh Fin BAND INSTRUtoENTS-vioUni Rml tram Ai'or'i it Flnl St BAND INSTRUMENTS Rent tar Kheol beginner! Southern MukiC nDDI Centor 21) Flrkt Ml 1441 bamd ORCHFTRA INSTRUMENTS -Rental tales sendee Boykin ill Flnl Ml 40101 'Large sTet on Irom 1I2T1 Southern Loan 314 Sikte ORGANHammeiid" chord' mahaaany perlacl Ihreugnsul make an alter Call now 35 JW Hammond chord wed: Ilk new Cory Geo el Richmond 3133 Cary SI EL 5707 ORGANS-Lorw telecfibn Order a Horn mend now on layaway tor Xma Prim itart $45 Hammond Organ Studio 4105 Brood SI 211-404 open 4venmgi npr7mHTuTwihnirncwi pr'lceflfor6Wih bench and delivery from 1441 DOFRFI EIN i ESWePTS? Mn 4404 Hull SI Rd BE H4H Bohy Brand Ilk new Low rpiaiVjl'Itowiwway nTw rhrya7C0Rni0N Medium id' hln ianlli trmmrmr CtilllM Mm- EL I 7410 big IMIb Iriecir and lull-ilea da TYPEWRITER Standard chant Family Seryl-t Stdrei 1407 Hull SI 71 IT SO UP Rrbuill Daaltr 4M7 Broad 313 44 93 rwnriuBiTric i iMpajCmmMl Vm SUNK Ukad Spr'nn and UnredcfmM Very rMMi Imteer and guard rail tarn ie tertian All lypas al critl! vTAi FUkNiiurf Mvinm Souiinrn Loon 314 SnUvijig WE1T' gR0AD 4-1 SteH BEO'SETS-loiiTMwil modrii ond poriabjn From I2fii Wlh lrinQ and mottrcsi ouerd roll Fny weakly pavman'i na mltrait lannai and maltraii guard rail iCYClEA in WiTTrolninj wbtlAi 1A04 Wi GrQrt BICVri d'and AuclionTfiac IH "Tun St Sludral Ac I Standard moke rebulll and guaranteed US up toosnlnf 1 4 Broodol llopiei Mill Bd EL 441 BICYCLES new ondusH JlS end up Pinnell lnr Nl West Brand St Ml 4 071 Open week mqhi Ml Boats Marine Suppliei 80 FOR WAN1I 14' liberqla IS Marrury electric Co irater Reaionoor El JIN oiler 5 MARINE ENGINES FLAGSHIP VI lU Repower now MmI rtraenOnOte ond Konomlcol Price and ipedlicnHon request Wf will orcept Itortci and Imondnq on the iPdt PALMER YACHT AGENCY Ftewhi" Mi EnnilraU Drrt iiio Wnt Brood SI EL 2441 10 WOLVE I Rune bout and Mer-I laihilrs I irianl anperlumto Pa Wl WDNDI-RKIL aonarlunily Hir rlirad man in Iha hanw knprnyamanl nan Hand Minima V- -pamt Apply Haiwgan norm 404 Mnin VI van'l iryica Ililinm rnnlnrli pud onm'a I nantlno ihouid ha prM-itnhig in you ei tmaimon wih anr firm Pkiwa Ml I uni far epon nl manl BcHmidl A WilMn Inc Rani b'l 71 wiliTtrain On mnnad man 35 41 tor a rnraar a ina inturenra aaBl M'Mman Varly rnwry and remmnian par nmnanl pm i on aieanriua nrl par aiwry Army Mnnumamai L'i In ii'innra ta Pnilarim Avr nr pimm 707 SV) Inr onpfl'ntmrnl I 30 4 (I wank rtivk nr 1 irdny i tasprnvemenf busi- s'Trs'JB ItalRM PMillVll YOUNG BUSINESS EXECUTIVE YOUNG MFN NOT UNDFR 31 NOR OVER 4k WITH EXECUTIVE ARIL-ITV GrtOD EDUCATION NEAT DRESSER AND PLEASING PER SONAIITY WHO IS ACCUSTOMED TO ACTIVE CONTACT WITH THE PUBLIC IP YOU ARE THIS MAN YOU MAY BE IN POSITION OF FILLING TWO NEEDS YOUR NEED TO EARN A BETTER LIVING IN THE UPPFR INCOME BRACKET A guaranteed income whii Attending OUR TRAINING school MUST HAVE LATE MOOFL CAR BONOARI BE ABIE TO START i motor 1 150 Power 2403 NIQLD BRiCK-Uied Iumber7plumb ng 0moura MAvTMi7nn PPE-N and 1" toragh rul end lhreonn to order hnATandntoterirllprrd tor the! Morril Romm Plumbing SuppIKi I' 5S In our llre-proter ted wera JOX Hull SI BE 4SI4 fio! PLYWOOD PLYWOOD i lF nrou2'u? rl COMPANY THAT IS THC FADER BttWDtll CoUFFM 58-A 1 all fully guaranlaed Slate Loan OH Ik Number 4 Is Broad Ml 3-7714 29 WAGONJOBBER Toy gome doll waichH lewairy Chriitmoi cordi mulated under wort and gill Itomti OH lire' oarkmg Haiiy Specialty Co IM Cary St WAGON JOBBFR 'MERCHANDISE-Walrhei cojlumei lewairy toyf carded Itemi novel tie Of Slreel parking World'i Pradud Otllrlbu-tmgCo 41 WJTary 1 WE Mil terpauVnWynai SolM Inc 333-0(4! WT buy tell new wed lupptiek Morril Romm Pmmoina Supply 10N Hull SI BE 4014 UNREDEEMED gun comer as ra- fSJSS WEFT BROAD I OAM OFFICE It A Prootf Ml H764 navy boats orellcs jic Redmond Lun- ber Carp Ml 5455 lt OLD Guns: Mora than thirty fa cheese from moke unusual Christmas gifts as ornaments can be scan at Mnrtha Washington Antique Shop Route 440 Wakeftld Va Also the best selection of marble-top furniture TIM Mercindist Wanted 68 Old reins prelectors oi Finance Corporation of Richmond I5C6 Hu'l St Phene 233-83C7 MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY TU 1 FRIDAY TO li SATURDAY to I Beauty Culture 56 COAAPARE METHOD See tor ye ur tell why preciilan holr-ilylina graduate gif tap tew Only oulhnrited Virg-nlo Forrell framing In the i lol Convenient payment ptani Virginia School af Cosmetology Inc 300 Fourth SI 447144 7RM CarreapoudcDct Cmn 57 CorrmnonderKe' HIGH irHeal af hanw 14 a month Amgrlban School Richmond 71 Vo INTERNATIONAL ropers drag lines etc Call Ml 7745 Ou moiling eddrtsi Is AssocF ulad Hiaw Equipment Schaoll 531 Main Sf Richmond Vq ATTENTION MEN 17 TO 45 HEAVY INDUSTRY OFFERS YOU Earninqs Advancement Travel TRAIN AT ONCE AS Heavy Equipment Operatcrs Trained man or In demand In ail uaris the country Our Iro proqrem Includes 770 hours (3 svttksl af actual aperotion el modern henw equipment under the lob" conditions FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION WRITE KEY TRAINING SERVICE OF VIRGINIA 2140 Barracks Road Charlattesvilte Va Dogs Cats Pets AND SUPPLIES hospital blankets Sleelnq bogs end used PIANOS New Reason-abte Terry Plane Cei 212 North Adams Ml 405 PIANOSRenl any planoto'our jiote Rent as long as you wish No obligation to buv 17 per month uo-Jordante 1 Broad Ml 343 PIANO By "expert tuners The Lsrley Co 714 Groce SI Ml 2331 PIANO TUNl'NG And "cleaning by JSSfUvvSl For the Nautical Fami IDEAL FOR CHRISTMAS PRES-i Help Wanted: Male 45 PBTiRM: Mai hr IhM wnte fctere IW mnnhs Ml cat mu papa AMrairNeiEai() Aireuntanlt ii-tor IIW fisqinetfi rhenusis IBB $I4IW rauMry rheum ai mim nr I rr Asar hum's mi stnm Management Ira (W II IW MB It IB CHI! IN) HUM lawman openings 14 IW tm it to tmes rnir unit 219 I Brim Haam 49 1773 HIGH SCHOOL GMDUATI SALARY $72 A WEEK Bar assisted la tannage nf t'rh-wong an" a rnl-imol rnmrntien Tv prwfll Iplrrilrw p'rOS (all Mr Many a Ml Mia YCLJNG MEN ii to a liiamnrdnn espomlnh ST'S? FHEU ml- Th man selected wll ba tiainan rnmpnny aoan-a pnd wl'l land 8 Ptonsperiq posilten wilhin 00 dayo Qua'Ifica tiers (11 NBAT APPEARANCE (71 GOOD DICTION (J) API TO FOLLOW INSTRUC TiONS (4) AVAILARI for EMPLOYMENT IMMEDIATE 7 PFH WFEK TO START CAB FUBNISHFD CALL Ml 1 744? FOB PERSONAL INTFRV'EW FA TO li NOON Help Wantcd Male (C) 45-A ITTENDANT hmp'tol h'vi scooi a'adiwiy Ann'y asca iv B'Ond 0 A Mto man JC ATTENDANT Veterinary "hnsp Ini Mini ml na alrfl'd el dnq day waak Mint pa ably ta drive and ba Mmawhal nl a Handy man Mini Hava good rafarancri Apply 33-0 Cory Si between 1:30 and 10 AM or 7 30 la 4 30 Mini ba axparlanccd'lfl'ra-toli i Poo oim oeed on miamg mo-rhinr gtaady end daprndoMa WIL imm Boktrv I42S Wllliamoburg Rd II Aoa 1077 maol onid unify mi (urnlihtd Apply H'OH'0 Plan- teflon Room 3200 Breed Na pnona colli 1M HU Wanted Coil BE 3-1044 te It DELIVERY DRIVERS FULL-TIME FMPLOWENT UNTIL CHRISTMAS BlETARY AIDE-DISHWASHER 1 opening Immediately Call Mri Danny EL 403 Boorman Over 25 elementary education experience oeslred but not required Apply In person only Employment Office Richmond Holtii lncth and Groet 2M Furniture repairman with chouftour'i license Apaiy 430 Nine Mil Rd between 10 A ond su to 4S only qualified and relinble mSiconte ne-dopply tor work to modern well equlooed kitchen cellnt prnellk include holidel vo person only 1o Mr Genlry Employ men! Ofllct Richmond Hotel th and GroceSIr XM Maintenance man-For laundry and dry cleaning plant Prefer one with some previous experience on this type of equipment In reply give one and oast emoiovment Wr -CO-ISO cara this paper Jervice station attendant- Caooble of handling wrecker Pritch- erd Bros fOOL Experienced 'only Apply Jewel Cltaniri XI4 Hull Si 333-S3Q I wan with meat experience wanted fo work to grocery itore- Na oJ 1 limit Apply 2nd Sf Local offica of national company needs men Wi train you Starting alary S4 1 per week Call Ml 7l77j 21 KaEN to Iram as donee Insiructori experience net neceuary mult be 31 or over Apply in perion 3 to Price Done Stud os Inc 1 Ml Second SI teiQh lne among your friends nciah- bars etc Good commssion Phone mnmmul week' mngs and week-ends Exployent AgencicB 46-8 jMIDSDywln obs waiting Fairn advanced Write Immediately with references Nassau Agency 47 Main St Hempstead I Best paying position In Richmond tor male and female Professional Employment Service 1433 Central Notional Bank Bldg Ml 447 ond Stale-Planters Bank Bldg 1511 Hull St 335575 ACCOUNTING $340: Industrial-Mechanical ennineeri to S00: Draftsmen Architect ural (5) 1346 Sanitary Draftsman la Stonoa-raphtri 1325-UUI: ether good oosi lions Dnvli Emnlnvment Service 774 Mom SI1MI 1271 1 SMELLING SNELLING 530 EAST MAIN Ml 4 4071 STH AND MAIN (ESKIMO BLDG) Largest Personnel System in Nation DAILY 5 WED 94 SAT 12 TECHNICAL JACK POWELL Ml 4071 FEE PAID POSITIONS PROJECT ENGINEER SME with experience In plant ennl-iwerlnq and design to work In development section 1400 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER BSIE or business malar Evnerlenra In meitmds standards motion nod i C' hue rannt Thu oroup ongnaily told tor 14k Balance new only $29! ask for miller furniture Jui hike ovir paymunte al S3 a on Glut 1 1 NCND Plan STANDARD DISTRIBUTORS INC RICHMOND'S FIRST DISCOUNT FURNITURE 400 I Jw of colors and styles ill oach Bedroom suites complete sold 124950 price SI4 piero Early American llvlnq room suite sold al I2IV15 price 1745 Odd dining room Ionics sold ol 51 price SX Odd dining room chairs 1 each Solid maple and cherry end and coffee laoles said at S4f50 each price S47 a sei Lamps $345 oach Solid maple Boston rockers Ill each Chest af drawers mahogany and walnut $73 General Electric automatic wasner 545 Wtsllnqhouse TV 155 Cherry well bookcosos $30 General Electric doubte door refrigerator 54 Corner china 170 OPEN 'TIL MONDAY TUE DAY THURSDAY FRIDAY TIL 4 WEDNESDAY SATURDAY PHONE Ml f-3313 DISPLAY MODEL GROUP 3 Complete Rooms of Furniture Appliances and Carpetinq Consisting of beautiful foam rubber nylon-covered davenport and matching chair Beautiful nylon roam-sired rug 2 blend step tabtos end matching cocktail table The tables ora mar-proof chip-proof ate decorator llvlnq room lamps Beautiful seafoam arty double dresser master-sne chest en chest Large timing mirror biq glamorous bookcase bed with ilid'na panels De luxe 7-piect tutono chrome dinette with foam rubber box seals II Do Lux Admiral refrigerator with 65-lb ful width Irretrr ond htU-'vid'h ciUo-r de luxe shelves en door with cheese ond dniry bar and benut'lul t-jM No Money Down Thte furniture te all brand-new and has been used tor display purposes only BIS SIANT WAREHOUSE CARY Ml S44 OpM Daily Closed Sot OPEN SUN 17 OPEN SUNDAY 17 Furniture Wanted 70 Old china modern turn I- tore all k'nds Sllnnelt Ml 2142 2 I photographic equipment Ml 4-443L GAS Pecond tloned guar- anl sea From 13156 or man's 4lh SOLD COINS co'ns Hlahes'lond Marshall Ml 4-790I 29 prices IC3 Franklin GAS Naw" used cltyor OLD Jewelry diamonds tic 1 4af Lain Highest Prices Paid NEEb JEWELER) BROAD REFRIGERATORS-Wcnted Ue Top HEATR-Ouq Therm wth bowe- irrcj Lai fl 4-34 73' lent cond ten 1 TOP prlcrs paid for oid ccns qoif Hfi ar currency We will buy part all WB heater S3 aalion Mi 4 of any-Uv col lecLon or we will sell H-ikwkai at eublic mrhon Siegler Dun-Tnerm Warn Phone MMBO Slandard Distnbu-! AAernma A'sa others 110 un Guaron for Ihc 13 1 Jeed ET Long Inc 237-1732 Electric Appliances 68-A i Magic Chel OTdel aIW don dition boTTjiooms Had AD Ml 7244 AUTOMATIC 'JfHER-E A-'l In- BIG GIANT WAREHOUSE ram' 3345 Bread Reck Rd BE '90 CARY Ml 3-1441 Open Dally Closed Sal OPEN SUNDAY 107 2 AUTOMATIC WASHERS For Evcrjrriik M-B MOWERS SANOrRI TOOll ETC WE RENT MOST ANYTH I NO aarrow united RENT ails MM Fanil Hill Ava 333-7171 7)47 llaptel Mill Rood ELF-74N Furniturt A HmmIioU 0S base CABINETS Portory PKandi 1171 up FarmoH'l 4IH pnd Mar kholl Ml 4 704 7 Single rompie(efdkk' chain drantrL Ml 4 71)1 i BED Single dakkond Mir couch and tabinyl radio rra kouotHa C-U 3-3310 1 81: DS -I Twin handmade'' reoradiii Imn Pennq Pina CL 5 11411 altar 4 1 Twin! "ol 'draw-an ralngaralor Wardrobe EL 1 3610 71 BFDRPOMSFT- Reamiaiwd prarfl-rally new lealoam mill dsubld Mr end Mri Drguer with lllllng mirror larqg mailir chMl en-rhml full dn baakrntg bed with illriind pantli Balonci anly U4 AbioluMy no money down II waek BIG GIANT WAREHOUSE Mf CARY Ml 1441 OPFN SUNDAY 1DJ 71 BEDROOM Ooublt beekeaw bad dratier and chasl JAMISON 72 Brood Park In Back BEDROOM SOlTE-Twui Complete new drawer cltekl 2 tingle bade end mallraiMl All tor only l7S0 end toddar 144 markid regularly Pocmenti li a week BIG GIANT WAREHOUSE CARY Ml CIOMd Saturday Open Daily OPEN SUNDAY 107 Sale Partial rolT'ol "DuPont Ml" In Sendlewood only white If laito SIM iq yd 10 ether colors af 550 per iq yd Semuelf Carpet Shop 311 Brood Ml 4-1310 31 CEDAR 'CHEST-Buliel dek trunk chest of drawer 447411 I 1U MARSHALL CORNER 3NO lbiai mocWnf good Mndifon330M Kn 'hj li' JJ sewmq machine drop-leaf fob tePl 8( 0(hfr jtfm BE 2-1314 30 GAS CIRCULATOR-Used Due Tlierm Excellent condition BE3-WU GAS $40 1112 No-lignel SL Ml 243 GAS M5 BE 1341 AT Boost 7 Deaiar 1 GAS Floor sompte Socrifi'a Burnette AT MIX LINOLEUM RUGS Plastic tops aoed selection From UK Kor-man's 4th and Marshall Ml 2X4 LIVING ROOM pieces Velour goad condition S4S Globe Supply Co 412-414 Marshall St 3 LyING- 9Pl- SUITES-Thover Con Jf? vDoihin n' yn a balonre 173 take over payments II week BIG GIANT WAREHOUSE 10 CARY Ml 31 Open Daily dosed Sal OPEN SUNDAY MATTRESSES Used'lmiiSiirino cotton Low prices Coll springs new and used chests appliances BROTHERS FURNITURE XI HULL 7 MATTRESSES Orthopedic Special Wit tor your ochlny back Our representative will ea BROTHERS FURNITURE XI HULL 7 OIL COOK RANGE Nice cheapT Family Service Stores 1407 Hu'i 21 RECL'NcR CHAIR Assorted colors brand new IK payments $1 week BIG GIANT WAREHOUSE 0 CARY Ml 1441 Open Daily Closed Sat OPEN SUNDAY 17 2I REFRIGERATOR 10'Weslinghouse across lap freezer $60 Cockfail table $10 sectional sofa $15 pair chairs HO each EL $173 1 RUGS Linoleum" roam tiro Rag I jnly $29 Want 0 Cary (2)" heavy greenTtoIrway runner $50 modern sola bed With matching chair $50 AMC 21" can Bit TV $15 AT 11074 3 Maiioaany 117 Up NEWELL FURlflTURE 111 WE5T BROAD Ml 7234 SECTIONAL SOFA Floor sample regulor $17 5 reduetd to XI $125 weekly paynunf BIG GIANT WAREHOUSE fh CARY Ml 3 $441 Open Daily Closed Sat OPEN SUN 17 GosTelecfric nil'raal SIS Family Service Bargains 1407 Hull Sf IMS Mam St 1 Droo-lraf mahogany gate leq Ml 44931 ftfiaSSac WARDROBE Moor metal $1495 Korman'sjtth and Marshall 79 WE trade In new and ustdND AHdn 3B4 Bread Ml 1117 SIEGLER HEATERS I'd MONTH POPKIN 11 BROAD Mltce early American sectional rag-marly I7W95 now H4 Meyers Pur-mfure 23 Bread Ml 3454 SHOP BARGAIN BASEMENT Broad Ml XX USED furniturt and antiques Low price Doad Inc I mites north of an Route 1 and XI SH 723L SIEGLER HEATER PLUS I ROOMS OF FURNITURE PICK UP PAYMENTS £N2l utamilv iuTantevSoKlSi price Includ-s bench robs end oriiv-ery On'y ln DOFRFLEIN P'ono ond Oron Safes ond Servic 64C6 Hull St Rl BE 2-7453 AYER Rebuilt wi'h ex'ra rails ten bo seen ol Ihr Virg ns I D'ner Route 40 Wckefie'd Va JIM RECORD CHANGER A-no'il-ete: new used Gary's XX Cory SI Ti RECORD 4-ipeed portable" 135 355-513 Floor sample Sacrllice Burnette's AT 34150 STEREO HI-PL twin speaker brand new In tactory carton req-marly Christmas Savings U4 Payments SI week BIG GIANT WAREHOUSE 0 CARY MI M4 Open Doily Closed Sat OPEN SUN 17 71 STEREO Terrific Cose Out Baraains 1 CARV'CH MARINS uij a Mo )r Ml in' ALSO (pYCIAL PRICES ON BOATS MOTORS AND TRAILER VrF INVITE -mt vciUR CHARGE AC 'innelfs Inc 7C I Broad St Ml 4-C726 OPEN EVENINGS TIL I Clear the Decks' FREE STORAGE NO FINANCE CHARGES APRIL 13 DOWN IX PER MONTH ON OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN 14' Barbour Top windshield steer- Inq F'beralos-covKed hull ha Evmrude Cork fllt-hed teoller Com ptetely recondihoned S650 Crte-Craft windshield s'eerino 31 he Evtorude Lork tot bed trail- er Looks new Completely recondi- flened M5B 16 Commodore Wlnrtsh eld sl-rainq 4d ho elerlrinto-fina Mercury Mill'd tenner Comoirl'lv recondi- I toned fry) color! Ac and Ebonite 1 50 to I S2150 Include! drilling and Initial: Ina DIXIE SPORTING GOODS 415 Main St Ml 44X3 HM GUNS si Richmond Gun Shop Ml GUNS-AMMO Slate's laraesl slack to select from Shells $44 per rose We buy sll trade repair Instnll chokes Green top service sw i $4i2 25 HUNTING Coats pants' insulated and reqiior under wear brote sha'l so-ks and coos HAPhi'-ttl CO INC xlh end Mate Streets Ml 4-J3 9 i i Colli Garmon Shepherd pups AKC registered ATI-4757 BEAGLES AKC Brekt dogs end pupsBE 4177 3 BOARDINGAII pell Lor oi runi German Shepherd puppies AKC Gov Acres Kennel PI I M'4 21 BORDER 'COLLIE PUPS-D Mo-then Rl to Norpe Va LO 4-3424 AN AUCTION LATE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT TOMORROW Navomhar It 10 A IS milts west el Washington on High wav end Hua-l Im ICanlraclen) aullllno highway cnnilruclien ond idling enuipmanl moslly new In and '41 lnrludng: (l Molar Scrapari 111 Scrnnarit (II Trader! end lead en (2) Fur -d Tnd Oumpi 17) Drog' nas Atlnch-man! and Furkd: Com ond A Base Compressors Cae Di'll Small llemi Trucks Traueit FPRKF BROTHERS THE AUCTIONEERS LINCOLN NEB 171 Sharp Bida Phono 437-1IM5 Bu3din( Materials 83 FOR SALE ANO WANTED i ANGLES-" Beomi arnornratel rdL CONCRETE PIPE And drain Bid Senile tank! and splosh blocks Baualian Brother! Co Ml W2 41 n'Tvr 4x1 axier o' 4x m'rr e- 4x1 inter or I S3 'ii nl-r ter 'n Pri: rati I Paint from 17 :3 per f- Alj'ir lfTH ANO BROAD Ml 3 1 1 71 STEEL Beams" ongles- Rtehmwd Steel llth and Byrd Ml 3 1X3 'DM WOOO'TRUSSES' FRAMING' LUMBER MillWORK El 1554 JAMES RiVER LUMBER CO A name to remember when In need el building material Brawn-Moone Building Materials Corp 1415 Byrd SI Ml 27U FOR SALE ALL S'ZES-NEW AND ANGLES BEAMS CHANNELS USED PIPE to 24' Peek Iron and Co Inc 334 FELLS ROAD EX'T I RICHMOND PETERSBURG TURNPIKE BE 2-5636 Fencing 84-8 STT' CHAIN LINK FENCE Plrkel and Ps rtpoired or replaced Free estimate 774T6 Fertilizer Ton Sail Paal US J4U reil BJ CH'CKEN MANURE-And top toiL call AT 01 nRTsfs fo11' Com5 TOP Fill rt Vi night er day COOte7 Janeski 14 TOP Larqe Quantity Whelru1 price You haul wo houL 2S90D Lawn ft Gardta 85-8 EQUIPMENT LAWN MOWERS Used 115 UP Power Products Center EL 1-5511 GRDliPf RACTOR-J! indw plow cultlvninr plow 42 1 lawn mower 794 3037 1 a Firm ft Dairy Products 85 HAY-And rahbll dags I lr rn nsie -a rDVBINt TRACTOR Ford I960 series loader and dual whetn i etertburg RE2-33S2 after 4 Goad used' tedels McIntyre Implement Cs Dickens Road 212-5441 traZtorS" Dexia 00 Now on Display NEW JOHN DEERE "5010" Tractor LARGEST STANDARD TRACTOR ON THE 6AARKET OVER 117 Come In Look It Over BUHRMAN SONS INC 00 Business ft Office I efliliBiitilT EQUIPMENT CASH PEGISTEPS 2 uted S2SA IKS $15 Can be seen at dMmel Pteite Center Willow Lawn AT 5194 79 Conrinumi on Noxt Pag A caurteaur Ad Taker wlH help you doily Overstocked SI 15 Terms Lakeside Appliance 247671 AUTOMATIC WASHERS GE '42 models Sacrifice Burnette's AT 2-1150 AUTOMATIC Used te choose from Choice 121 Burnetle's I ATM150 AUTOMATIC Also wrinq rein ua Comabell'i 2M-3104 tr wc'hers7 ranq reriaeraters Xj AiiTOMATir WASHFPS Wrlwr rebuilt guaranteea Ill from SJVSU up Long Inc 231733 30 15 cu ft Westingtious upright SI0 X2-7327 FREEZER-4IICW new-W over poy- ments 49326 EL -36iS FREEZER And food for as little asS9 per week Coll AT 2666 13 17 cu ft upright Used 6 months cast 1600 Socrlflce 1200 Comp bell's 363114 26 FREEZER-11 cu ft' Admiral upright Regular 126995 Warehous discount 1100 MI 3-8441 BIG GIANT WAREHOUSE 0 CARY 0pn IST- i Grad-n Landscaping 85-A rARDEMrQ etc ORiVEA'Ay STO'IE-SJO ton de jfy red 749-2311 AT UII 1 17 40 tod by the inodi as-Soortini Goods 8U-A pnal dnvcwavi end patch work tot cirmuna For qjck ieivee STIC SHOTGUNS By BE 1307 EL 7514 ll Browning all model! in ilock Aim EXPEPT servira Ptetols riflei end archery eauia TSSd! MM0S5 CO 6 KUL ment by Browning The very bnl trodeln al'nwance at the MEN avaitablt for yard work rakinq 41 SPORT CENTER INC VM' c-' Jfs XS Main SI Ml 0551 lhouse and wood work Ml 01C4 I TV-17 In TrjMler (wtobte reooi-1 2 ROSE LAND CLEARING eed original 1 1995 balane sin an i Sot Cloisilicallon 24 353-X54 Pertahte BOWLING BALLS-Ten pin Ten! OWN AND KNOWS HOW TO USE IT IF YOU ARE THE PERSON WE ARE LOOKING FOR PLEASE CONTACT OUR SALES COUNSELOR AT THE HOLIDAY INN 2 ROBIN HOOD RD TUESDAY AND WFDNESDAY 3 Mk TO 5 AND 7 TO A5K AT DESK FOR SALES COUNSELOR NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE 21 SitutiM Wasted FEMALE 48 BABY Light homework do vt Reterence Ml 1061 XM' BOOKKEEPER-SECRETARY" EXPERIENCED-444-T314 5Y V-dav Tuesd Wednesdmr Ml f'7 tel 5 doy week Reie-1 ence 41? PRACTICAL 44 la 7 A Refrrenc-J Ml 11Y SALESMAN Experienced with to' I era rducahon alia experienced pi-ana player write CO-971 cars this poper 3 EXPERIENCED reliablt women baby lilting EL 170 W04AANwanlsdav' work or day's work Reference Ml 4 437 WOMAN wwils day work Refer enct BE 7-4905 30M GIRL desires domaille or raileurant workMI MIX XM EXPERIENCED girl wonts days work ar baby lilting lob BE 4057 GIRLS two want domaitle or kitchen work Ml 5137 WOMAN wants Morvtev Tudoy and WeunmdnvjivnrkMI 1945 XM CAYS workorS days WO WAN want day's work Monday Wednesdays Ml MMI UM 'vHrk 'ADOly 1101 Mochanicsville Pl 2IM EXPERIENCED country iglrl wants Mr or hourvvork 1 or otf 5 (toys 44470 OFFICE work to homo book- keepinq typing payroll Plck-up end return ExperjencedXl4 XM COLORED girl wonts work7 five days a week baby sitting and housework Ml 4-311 XM Situation Wanted Mala 49 Oiflce manager 7 years experience with A and General Business as acceuntanl desires lull fime position Call 34696 all day Sunday otter 1 Monday Tuesday and Wednesday BOOKKEEPFR ExnrrlrncH Port! CO 4 1 time Prrfrrabtv at home 649 7477 One-dav vrvire 71 IL jc! Hcuse Cleaners v'tmiTR-Or cleriml el m-l-' rnl club 17 year exncrrnre Ret cices Desires posit en Call EL 5 riM 1 Or'janitor" work" EL 3-7604 23M SHORT "ORDER Niqhl work only Call 643-310 after JP MAN qeneral work EL 54312 MAN to dean 4haurs a niidit ELI- 0210 alter 5PM 2 FAMILY man reqular slack ar homo- work References CO 4754 SATURDAY ONLY BE 2200 HANDYMAN MAN 22 WANTS WORK Ml 3912 29M EXPERIENCED yard man All kin at work EL 7124 19 Money fo Lou 52 lb- MORTGAGE LOANS firoto sioccc WANk PATE FR CONf'l TATION free appraisal -TV rLU O' ft Money to Lean Up to 8600 53 LOANS XS to 40Bl" People I Rnonci Service 207 3rd St Hand made antique brfe-a brae bon dishes MM 609 X' 3inch new in factory I crit -s reguerly 5135 new 1461 1 1 VLREHOU'R Divf-f Closed OPEN SUNDAY 1C-7 I Uied lurnliure TV'! Highest prices Ml 4 1145 Agent APPLIANCES All klnds fumltora TV wonted BE 1-9374 Dealer SUITES Hlgheft cash Co prlrti tor dean wile! Call us VOLIN -Good I randlllon Call otter M- KormonlJ S'5933' READY cash for used furniturt Best prlcM Ml OPEN SUN I7 It XM' RECONDITIONED TVS Table models cons'les Delivered HUNTING LICENSES MaVtV FerffJS00' Complete line of qum thelte anr pi-nnurcDS rnno HUNTING PANTCiS Teiepnone ELS-I61 MhiSTpart-5na WS-nona-N -Stores til Beor IV! Bunk feeders woqons ond Po squ'P-ment (Your Frick Deo er'- Md-Allontle Salts A Service Mt -anlcs-vllle 745335 3 POLYCHOKES Rlchmand'i only foe USED liirnllure we poy rash White': 202 Broad 611 5 HIGHEST prices" used appiloncsMI 347 Dealer WANTFD: USED MATTRESSES SPRINGS OIL HEATERS BEDROOM SUITES BE 051 EX-CHANGESTORE USED furniture and household-hir-Hshlngi wanted In any quanttly-We pay top prices De not sell Your furniture before getting our prices We will pay you more If you will call Ml 542 Dealer Antiques ft ftepraductioM 71 Brass landers oil sizes Stone's 5501 Brood 21 Early kitchen Challtoux lD3 Broad New shipment Hitching Post RI at Midlothian 1 New slvnmenl Holland's Three Chept Rd Rt 157 13 ANTIQUES The" Millstone UT 1 nine mites north of Richmond AN rioUE" Very fne marble-tor sdtnoard table Choi Navis If 4( 'te owtde Ui BIG GIANT FURNITURE 09 Cary Ml Open Daily Cloied Saturday OPEN SUNDAY 17 Fa maul mako brand new In factory cartont regularly 1159 now IX payment! SI25 BIG GIANT WAREHOUSE 40 CARY Ml 1441 Open DaMy Closed Set Install'd nunromeed MrGUIPE TV CENTERS SOUTHSIDE PLAZA WILLOW LAWN ATI-4C24 REBUILT TV HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM NEW SET GUARANTEE PAY ONLY 25c A DAY ON METER PLAN Wards TV-644-1 88 1 USED PIANOS 1 Speclol offer for school! churches and tor practicing Beautiful reconditioned grands end uprights practically as good as new new availoblt at Interesting prices Walter Moses Co IH BROAD ST "Oldest Music House In Virginia and Norlh Carolina" Used spinel Practtca piano Hobart Cabtei Sava Thomas organ Estev organ Sava Lautor Grand Lewray seine organ Hammond spinel Wurlifztr cho Allen Salntt araanSava Wurlltzqr church organ sov Hammond churrh ergon wtttl 2 saeakers Sava 1X0 Allen therlre organ 4524 THE CORLEY CO "Sarvinq Musical 214 CkACE 2D1 4 tory eulhoriztd InslalMr Joyner's GimShb pB M303 24 HUNTING and fishing licenses on tale Henrico County deg tags also hunting ond fishing equipment Open I A to 10 Arnica Phar-mocy Azalea Shopping Center 4 Good Used Guite" Double barrel toga Smllh double barrel 12 go Smllh deubit barrel Sewers (I) FREEZERS-New Cast price A Salvaqr lthond Aanhall REFRIGESATORInnr sample AM 12 "cu ft Fng d- a-ra Excellent condition Will sacrifice BE 1332 Far rent" or sale Recand'I'Oned and guaranteed Use our meter plan Only 25c a day Call Ml 0121 PAXTON'S 1W GRACE Repossessed General Electric Balance $44 ay-men te siX week Guaranteed running condition BIG GIANT WAREHOUSE 0 CARY Ml 1441 Open Daily Closed Saturday OPEN SUNDAY 17 REFRIGERATORS Used SX Polity's Appl (meet 2jH271 UP It New Cast price Salvage 17th and Marshall For rent Free delivery Jones A Gooding EL 3(04 27 REFRIGERATOR Recandtloned Guaranteed STtM Karman'L 41h and Alarshall Ml 4-2KL 29 Combl-na en Ph Ira Very good condTon Wll sarrlfice BE 7 130 VACUUM CLEANER Klrbv dem-ensIratarKirby Co 353-7723 VACUUM CLEANER Eltdroiux good condition CO 4-6475 WASHER Repasiessed Maytaq" wringer Originally SI4115 balance New 14360 Taka aver payments $'Vg" GIANT WAREHOUSE tot CARY Ml 1441 Closed Safurdav Open Dally OPEN SUNDAY 17 WASHER- Norge automatic In Origfnol price $24 cloereut price 114 No money dovnv $1 IQ" GIANf WAREHOUSE tOt CARY Ml 1 Open Dally Closed Saturday OPEN SUNDAY 17 WAFERS SpirO Queen wringer New floor samples 15 per cent Bn count Lang Inc 2371737 llies Sacrllice REFRIGERATOR Universal lrgf freezer lit EL 1274 ll cu ft Holpoin''opra DEER Moles red bone 5 years S25 black and tan S40 registered bluetick months 150 BE 3-144 19 DOG HOUSES S11-S16 Delivered COSX14 ENGLISH SETTER Ready to start Permanent shots and poptrs 2M-326d GERMAN SHEPHERD FEMALE AKC MONTHS BE 144 GERMAN SHEPHERD AKC beautifully marked Reasonable BE 2 4750 POODL Silver mlnlnlur! See 11 Easllake Sandston RE 7-1314 POOrilFS 550 UP WILL HOLD FOR CHRIST MAC Pia4 12 rond' 7' 'Drlln'iteTy' ihewTv-w! i and connnre AT 3 6534 PI Kl 1 STANOSRD CRFAM1 A KC SHOT) S1 UP ASTAVAL pooDIEV toy mals 10 months KENNELS c-IPPING SERVICE i 6-i" RABBIT' Beaales brake 125 each RE 7-1341 olier 5 SHEITIE AKC (miniature callln) show or pet Will bald and deliver tor Xmas 794-5477 AM ST-B A UPP Reg'stored 1 week eld SIX each Will hold until Christmas eve tor S50 deoosil AT 0703: Ml 4771 14 Squirrel dog-fot tale tTca" Weil Paint Va 1044 17 WEIMARANER PUPPIES 4') months AKC 35 eoch CO HH61 GERMAN SHEPHERD-COLLIE PUPS CROSSED SIS ELI-4392 1 ond Monchester oupT Real beauties and cheao Brauen Hungary and Woodmon Rd 1 The PET FAIR 3534 West Cary Sf EL 1 1970 "A Distinctly Different Pel PARAKFFTS Canaries Finches PI PDA POAOOPD F'N FEATHER EL 9 141 21 57h Lake- ft Ave Horses 63 OTHEM STOCK Guernsey1 freshen about Jonua-y 233 0447 1 MARE AND COLT BE 5643 Large gentle stoMion Reasonable 3 years Must sell 3724971 Mare Must sacrL flee at 4350 Call 644KS2 ar Mid 0474 WANTED I tews 400 to ISO lbs Call Dan Moser Mldv'ew Farms Inc Ml 300d after 4 HEREFOROS IB he'feri months eld Frayser Rt 14 Rch 7 Merchandise for Solo 67 ADDING up built Dealer 4709 Broad 253 Pe 66 7 DOING MACHINES Tvoewrite's beakkeenlng merh-ncs Also rente's Circle office Eau'pment EL 65C1 7 Used tor dRoypur poses Ideal tor encyrinped as I' eo-J Mrs Wolxer Mlf'991 30 BOWHNG BALLS "New (frilled $15 Dean CaEL 7X1 22 UNITED SURPLU-20I BROAD cigapette Wn6in4'machine- (4) Bn Duntord 5424 Meehan I el vn kt Mechanlcsvlile Va Pi 504L OOO MOUSES IIMII Deltvarad CON14 195 95B -ul'Fdrd rebuilt 795 OlO DOMINION TRACTOR CO P0RTING C000S 3001 WESTMORELAND ST Call 357 2757 TRACTORS" 952 1 Ford rckti'H I 1954 Ferguson 30 i (built 51 9 Ford rebuilt I 590 Lime and fertilizer spreader body: goad 20d SWIFT MOTOR A TRACTOR Oilvllle VO SU 5364 21 17 BLOCK WOOD-IT' to 24" Iona S30" card mixed tlabwood 514 co-d Ford rebuilt Ford SN rebuilt 77irQ7 Jl ICir ANTIQUES Stoat 3 TljK MUjIU PIANO AND ORGAN Financed Richmond Finance 122) Braoo 03-3934 time iludy AAA firm SlPXI'gACHPrrH'S ii -nil Bread loans Al Ct on dlomonds waiclwt etc DICK CHANni-ER Ml 4 401 I ET Sa'es: iTfiisIr'nl Inn's Snlrs: Parkaenq mnfe Sales: lndutriel nuts hr Soles: Mnintenrnce p-n'ennli Sales: Pha-mwe it'cels cor 6 Sales: AdverliS'ng saecimly Sates: Food Held car Di-r 5 V0 Sain: Trainee som rol'en 5200 ADMINISTRATIVE JACK BALDWIN Ml 4-4071 Programmer: 1410 computer 0n! Coif Accountant: Fee paid A9f Media Production: Ad agency 45ff) Internal Audit: Fee paid 4 500 IBM Supervteor: 4C7 403 tab OJO Trainee: BBA dearer tee paid 5700 IBM Operator: 402 407 tab 4 MO Trainee Degree fee paid 4100 WILOIADDON Ml 44071 Induetrtol Retotmii! SJora ILC eni si i-1 ony pjrpose compne all oi Is one IOW monmiv payment throw "al CONSOLIDATE BILLS SCCON" MORTGAGE ct accounting I 500 SYaar Accounting: Fee paid 7700 Multi Lina Soectol Agenf Tjra ArfHt-DwIgner Claim! Tra nee- Soma tow Manaatnwnl Trainee- Fee m'd 4 wr Accounting Clerk: No degree 4 sr- 7 Solrsitifn Vorted 7 ALIO ABENTt VAIf A rM Tomlinson SY55I7 SY 4-2293 4 BLOCKED For sale 55 per cord Picked up at Goodwvn A Sons Lumber Company Powhatan Virginia 11 All grades from 11755 Lang Inc 237-1732 FIREWOOD CALL ATI-0711 Stova length 2 cords dtnvevea 120 732111 19 Maebiuery id TboIb 82 FOR FOR RENT ACETYLENE' OUTFIT Fleefwtil oxygen acetylene supglte! New and used arc welders Arcef Equipment 910 West Cary Strati Ml 4531 ARC WELDING MACHINES PHP we'd and Alrcramattc equipment tor rent Virginia Wnding Supply Cs frg MO-sncuah St BE IS 1 OIL ANKS-I3I 13rr rOfnpffrf Wiin pumpf CM3 Transfer and Storage Richmond EL 5471 SAW "MILL MACHINERY New and used (Frick) hvteauUe leq hirneri (Me'lott) hydraulic feeds (Berry) automqfle wood tones (Cornel:) are trading Ut tar bnraalnt (Yqu Frick Dea er) Ml Atlantic Sales lervlc Mfchanic-vllte 745 ANTIQUES FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER STEINMETZ EAST MAIN CannonBaM and Pendl" PosL Nl WGoodman EL 3-3774 15 CH Al WlnaT Chlpaendala IB Cyn 1703 Main 2 Six mahogany dining roam pin blanket chests spinning wheel two medallion back mirrors and picture frames china and glass 5 rockers Talephena EL M545 TIM Lamps furniture gills Edwerds-Bernharf I 1st 4M LOVE ffeoptewhlto (sampte)" green Now 1771 Mudd Dec oraieri Ml 4141 0(1ntols Prmane Kambaur- ioa J5 Grace 4U-DL304 Persian Safoufc (Herat (te ran) 4x4' Good condtsn IM Charles' 534 Bread S9FATfhlBBncaj: Orndamk Was Stff now CJ4 rVrnmfnrt CHANDl ER'S tW miles tail" Seven Pines RE 7 4157 Sate LES ANTIQUES 2447 Cary PEWTER and brass wares aid and new Colon uX Palktg First St 27 AUCTION el American antiques Saturday December 1 ld'X A In Ameiinan Laqma Hall Salute Va Routes and 17 6 Bo'-tontyne Jr Aurtuv-ne' 30 STRIKE IT RICH Us Want Ate Wanted Musical 4 6J 1 Appliance Sale AUTOMATIC WASHERS As Lew As $159 5 AUTOMATIC DRYERS Af Lew As $'39 95 REFRIGERATORS As Low as S175 HOT WATER HEATERS H-Ga'ton $44 95 USED REFR'GERATOR EXCELLENT CONDITION MS USED STOVE 1-VEAROLD EXCELLENT CONDITION 4B SOUTHERN STATES COOPERATIVE INC C-V RICHMOND BRANCH 71h and Sewunes Avenue BE 404 Richmond VlrgHdd S'tTPIka IT ICSC" Use Want Adi STR'KE IT RICH Us Want Ads' do'tV 12 MONTH POPKIN Ml 2244 II PRDAQ PENT your furniture with option to FURNITURE SALVAGE XS BROAD 444 9237 ZZ inAfnrAi petroleum salfSj AenteO espe'nn'e -n cn trurk d'ete Exreiiem prapos tien 232 7M3 PI AN SALt VAN-NO eo'' mi I week d-ow EL I WHh car wholesO'C ref erence Mll 1495 SPECIALTY Adverfi'iJ Git Chex deal per cent EL 3 IliGH aaramg! JeH hoip-lollzolie" Lead! furnlmed ELI-1549 12 1 ie THE MAN FPOM MUTUAL OP OMAHA Phan 4r45 BnO H'nes SCOTTISH BAGPIPES Call EL 9 1X2 after 4 Co ad Things to Eat 71 PHEASANTS Ring-neck live or dressed Ml 1247 1 ORDERS token Inr tight frull coke 115 lb Talley id WE buy anything of value aid gold atot wifiquas guns BE 2254 Swap Snap (115 Hull i f- -1e- I TlWr -r i It 4.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Views: 5370

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.