1. Todd Witteles, Jami Lafay Spat Over Her Cancer GoFundMe
24 feb 2023 · Todd Witteles and Jami LaFay have been engaged in a Twitter fight after he criticized her cancer recovery GoFundMe campaign.
Todd Witteles and Jami LaFay have been engaged in a Twitter fight after he criticized her cancer recovery GoFundMe campaign.
2. Jami Lafay Daniels asking for $50k via gofundme due to cancer surgery ...
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In case you're not familiar, in the past two months Jami Lafay (real name Jami Daniels) has caused drama at a poker room by yelling out loud that a player smells bad, then she drove a fellow Native American female poker player off social media after allegedly harassing her at the poker table, and capped it all off with a fake suicide scare, where in reality she was just traveling from LA to San Francisco. I know this is going to shock you guys, but now Jami is posting "cancer surgery" pics
3. Rob Mercer Stage 4 Cancer GoFundMe to Play in WSOP a Fraud?
22 aug 2023 · "In February, a mid-30s dude named Rob Mercer showed up on Twitter during the Jami Lafay Gofundme controversy, and was highly critical of her.
Well known poker players and advocates for Mercer now feel duped as he responds to their allegations.
4. HighStakesDB - Rob Mercer Accused of Faking Cancer to Solicit Donat...
29 aug 2023 · Rob Mercer has been publicly accused of scamming the poker community after allegedly faking a terminal cancer diagnosis in order to solicit donations.
Mercer has been publicly accused of scamming the poker community after allegedly faking a terminal cancer diagnosis in order to solicit donations
5. Poker Pro Luke Vrabel Banned from Twitter in GoFundMe Cancer Row
Much of Twitter's poker community has spent the last week either attacking or defending Jami Lafay, who recently set up a GoFundMe drive to raise $50,000 for ...
One of the most offensive people on poker Twitter, Luke “SlayAbides” Vrabel, has had his account locked after multiple vitriolic attacks on women
6. The Gamble That is Online Altruism - Cancer as a Scam? - Wizard of Vegas
23 feb 2023 · Online altruism is a rapidly spreading concept in which people seek out the direct help of others, on sites such as GoFundMe, often to help out ...
Brandon James takes a look at online crowdfunding, what it is, how it can be done successfully and what sorts of scams it has been used to perpetrate.
7. Luke Vrabel Gets Banned on Twitter Over GoFundMe Cancer Controversy
28 feb 2023 · Luke Vrabel accused cancer patient Jami Lafay of being a scammer; Lafay set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for her medical bills ...
Twitter has banned poker pro Luke “SlayAbides” Vrabel for abusive behavior.
8. Listen to Poker Fraud Alert Radio podcast - Deezer
Topic begins at (0:10:18) mark: Rob Mercer, who called out Jami Lafay for her cancer Gofundme, appears to be a scammer himself.... (1:43:39): Interview with ...
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