Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations  (2025)

Encounter poor Boc 6 times in unique locations before assigning him as your very own seamster!

By Mina Anwar

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Boc the seamster is one of the few NPCs who has one of the most endearing quests, and players might want to know where all the Elden Ring Boc Locations are present to find him easily! Boc is a seamster who is able to alter garments for players, and he can be found in a number of locations throughout the Lands Between.

Key Takeaways

  • Boc is a seamster who alters players’ garments in Elden Ring.
  • Boc can be found in six areas: Agheel Lake North, Coastal Cave, East Raya Lucaria Gate, Lake Facing Cliffs, Altus Highway Junction, and East Capital Rampart.
  • Part of a long quest line influencing Elden Ring endings; players need to find his sewing needle.
  • In Agheel Lake North, save Boc from a tree spell by hitting a bush.
  • In Coastal Cave, find him inside near a Site of Grace.
  • In Lake Facing Cliffs, rest at the Site of Grace until Boc appears.
  • In East Raya Lucaria Gate, see Boc near the Site of Grace after waiting.
  • In Altus Highway Junction and East Capital Rampart, resting at the site makes Boc appear.

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Agheel Lake North

One of the first locations where players are able to encounter Boc is in theAgheel Lake North Area. This is going to be the start of his main questline, which is incredibly long and tedious but has a rather split ending.

Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (3)
  • Open up your map so thatplayers are able to locate the Agheel Lake North area that is present on their map.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (4)
  • From the Site of Grace located here, turn right around from the ruins in front of you.
  • After that, you want to start heading straight until you are able to hear a voicecall out to you, saying whether you’re able to hear it or not.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (5)
  • Besides a fewanimals, there should be a small bush that you are able to interact with.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (6)
  • Get closer to it, and attack it, which causes it tobreak the spell, and the tree converts to an NPC. Personally, it took me a long time to figure out that the voice calling to me was coming from this bush.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (7)
  • Get close to the NPC, and he will ask what you did that for, and you should be able tointeract with the NPC.

Coastal Cave Area

Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (8)

After interacting with him in Agheel Lake North, Boc also mentions thecoastal cave, which just so happens to be another one of Boc Locations.

  • Open up your map, and located towards the western Limgrave area, players should be able to locate the Coastal Cave area.
  • Fromthe shore, players want to pan their cameras toward the front and start riding along the shore.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (9)
  • Right in front of you, towards the right side of the shore, there should be a small opening like a cave that leads further in. Start making your way there.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (10)
  • Thecave leads deeper inside and steeps down.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (11)
  • When you are exploring inside, there should be aSite of Gracethat you should be able to encounter.
  • Right in front of the Site of Grace, there should be someone lying down beside a small campfire and resting.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (12)
  • Interact with theNPC that is lying down, and it happens to Boc once again. He talks about how players should get out. Otherwise, they’ll get severely beaten.

Lake Facing Cliffs

Moving on, the next location where players should be able to find Boc at should be the Lake Facing Cliffs.

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Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (18)
  • Open your map in order to find the Lake Facing Cliff map location, and players want to head there.
  • Once you are at theSite of Grace, you really don’t need to go anywhere, and rather, players need actually to sit here and do nothing.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (19)
  • Head into theresting position while being at the Site of Grace. While you’re resting, your character will be in a sitting position and will pass the time.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (20)
  • Boc eventually appears and stands a few feet away from the Site of Grace.
  • Get out of yourresting position, and go near Boc. Here, players can interact with him, and he says that it’s good to see you.
  • He thanks you forgiving him his needle back, and he asks whether he can now be your personal seamster.

Altus Highway Junction

When it comes to the next location, players can find Boc at the Altus Highway Junction.

Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (21)
  • Locate theAltus Highway Junction on the map.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (22)
  • Players also need to rest here in order to get Boc to appear. Simplyactivate the resting position on the site, and wait around for a while.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (23)
  • After Boc appears, get out of the resting position, and you can find Boc near the site waiting for you to interact with him.

East Raya Lucaria Gate

Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (24)

With the next location, players can find Boc once again in theEast Raya Lucaria Gate location.

  • The East Raya Lucaria Gate is located and can be found on the map.

Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (25)

  • From the Site of Grace, players need to stay at the Site of Grace for a while.
  • Get close to the Site of Grace, and there should be an option where you can rest at the Site of Grace.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (26)
  • After a little while, Boc should appear a few feet away from the Site of Grace, andplayers can stop resting and go interact with Boc.
Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (27)
  • You canask Boc to alter your garments, and you even get an option to alter them once you interact with him.

East Capital Rampart

Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (28)

Moving on, another one of the locations that players can find is in the East Capital Rampart Area.

Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations (29)
  • The same goes forthis location, and players need to rest here for a little bit before they can get Boc to appear for them, after which he can interact with them.

Boc basically serves players as their very own seamster and is able to alter any kind of garments. Typically, players need to pay 500 runes, but with Boc by your side as your personal seamster, you really don’t need to have to worry about paying.

Just like that, I will wrap up my Elden Ring Boc Locations guide! While you’re here, you might want to read the Poison Mist Elden Ring guide as well since it goes into detail about its overall stats and where it might be located. In order to find the Church of Repose, players should check out the Church Of Repose Elden Ring guide!

Apart from this, if you need to find the location of Fort Faroth urgently, then you can read the Elden Ring Fort Faroth guide! Alongside the Church of Repose, the Church of Vows is yet another important location in Elden Ring, and the Elden Ring Church Of Vows guide goes in depth about where you can find it.

Up Next:

  • Elden Ring Faith Scaling Weapons
  • Best Rapiers Elden Ring
  • Elden Ring Best Scythe Build
  • Elden Ring Endings

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Elden Ring

By Mina Anwar

Most Played Games

  • 2000+ hours in Genshin Impact.
  • 800+ hours in Honkai Star Rail.
  • 500+ hours in Minecraft.
  • 300+ hours in GTA Series.
April 10, 2023

4 minutes read

Mina Anwar

Mina is a Senior Guides Writer and a fanatic who’s obsessed with playing games and writing about them. She’s invested more than 2,500 hours in games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, she loves to write detailed guides for beginners and pros in the Gacha Games world. You can follow Mina's gaming activity on her Steam and PSN Profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years

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Elden Ring: All Boc The Seamster NPC Locations  (2025)


Should I allow Boc to call me Lord? ›

He'll ask you if it's okay to call you “My Lord” and if you say yes, he'll give you the My Lord gesture, which is one of the best in the game. You can also give him the Gold Sewing Needle here, though you'll need to have a piece of alterable boss clothing such as Radahn's Lion Armour.

Where is the fourth Boc location in Elden Ring? ›

Fourth encounter with Boc

Boc will next appear at the Site of Grace "East Raya Lucaria Gate" after you have gained access to the Academy of Raya Lucaria (with the Academy Glintstone Key from the Meeting Place).

Where is the third bocs location? ›

Third Encounter

You can later find Boc The Seamster at the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace in Liurnia of the Lakes. He is glad to see you and offers to make adjustments to your garments. From now on, he will be able to alter the garments of the player.

Where does Boc go after rebirth? ›

Boc the Reborn

Doing so will cause him to appear as a human in the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria Academy, near Rennala. He does not respond to the player and will die the next time the world is reloaded.

What happens to Boc if you give him a Larval Tear? ›

If you instead choose the option to give Boc a Larval Tear, he will express his thanks, that he may now be reborn through Rennala. At this point, you must exhaust his dialogue and then reload the area and find he has moved. Note that if you go this route, you will irreversibly doom him to death.

Why do you call me Lord and do not obey? ›

Luke 6:46-49 New Century Version (NCV)

“Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' but do not do what I say? I will show you what everyone is like who comes to me and hears my words and obeys. That person is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on rock.

Should I tell Hyetta they are human eyes? ›

As the quest cannot continue until she knows the truth, we have to tell her - for better or worse - that they are, in fact, human eyeballs. Rest once at the Site of Grace and Hyetta will have a few new things to report next time you speak to her. She will become a Finger Maiden, she says.

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She will request that you touch her. Unfortunately, while you need to do that to finish her questline, the act of touching her causes her to begin to burn. She will eventually die in agony. At this point, you can loot her corpse to get the Frenzied Flame Seal and Frenzyflame Stones.

What happens if you give boc the Sewing Needle? ›

Within the cave, the Tarnished can retrieve his sewing needle. Give it to Boc, and he will service himself to be the seamster for the Tarnished. Then Boc can be found at these four Sites of Grace after they are rested at: The Lake-Facing Cliffs.

How to keep boc alive? ›

You can give Boc a precious Larval Tear, with which he will go to Rennala and be reborn as a human, you can call him beautiful in which he will stay put, or you can do nothing.

Where is Demi-Human Boc? ›

Boc can be found lying on the ground beside the Site of Grace at the start of the dungeon. Defeating the Demi-Human Chief dual boss of the area will reward you with the Sewing Needle, which can be given to Boc.

Where does boc go after giving a needle? ›

He'll ask you to travel to the Coastal Cave to get his Sewing Needle back from Demi-Human Chieftans. Once you do this and give him the needle (he'll appear beaten up at the entrance to the cave), he'll appear later at the Cliff-Facing Site of Grace in Liurnia and offer his skills to alter your garments for free.

Do you have to call on the name of the Lord to be saved? ›

as the Scripture says, “Anyone who calls on the Lord will be saved.” But before people can ask the Lord for help, they must believe in him; and before they can believe in him, they must hear about him; and for them to hear about the Lord, someone must tell them; and before someone can go and tell them, that person must ...

What does Boc the Seamster do? ›

I, Boc the seamster, am forever in your service. May the throne of Elden Lord be yours. Boc the Seamster is an NPC in Elden Ring. He offers the player the ability to modify their garments, free of charge.

Why do you call me Lord Lord niv? ›

"Why do you call me, `Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock.

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