5 best Black Pearl spawn locations in ARK Fjordur (2024)

Gladis Harcrow

ARK Fjordur was first released as an unofficial mod map and gained instant popularity among ARK fans. Impressed by its mass popularity, Studio Wildcard decided to re-release Fjordur as an official DLC map. Its snowy mountains, hollow caves, dense forests, deep seas, and Viking shipwrecks bring out the true intensity of Norse myths.

Fjordur introduced four new creatures: Andrewsarchus, Fjordhawk, Desmodus, and Fenrir. It also has seven mini-bosses, including Megapithecus, Dragon, and Broodmother, the three guardians from The Island. The final boss, Fenrisulfr, also spreads fear among the survivors.

To survive in ARK, players must tame dangerous creatures like dinosaurs. They also have to craft items from resources found on the map, and there are both AI-controlled enemies and humans. Black Pearls are one of the key components to craft Tek Tier items in ARK Fjordur, which is why they are one of the rarest resources of the game.

Black Pearls can be collected through tames like Gacha, Tusoteuthis, or by killing dangerous creatures like Deathworm and Trilobite. But the easiest way to get Black Pearls in ARK Fjordur is by collecting them from underwater or caves.

5 best Black Pearls spawn locations in ARK Fjordur

1) 95.7, 78.9

Black pearl spawn location 1 (Image via ARK Survival Guide)

This location is on the lava island named Balheimer on the ARK Fjordur map. This is the best location to get black pearls in ARK Fjordur. There is a Wyvern Trench located at 95.7, 78.9 with a magma cave nearby. Players have to be careful as this area is full of various dangerous creatures like Magmasaurs, Lava Golems, and FIre Wyverns.

Heading inside the cave, players will find a lava pool leading to the main chamber. In the main chamber, they will find quite a few Black Pearls scattered around.

2) 59.7, 50.0

Black pearl spawn location 2 (Image via ARK Survival Guide)

This area is located at the bottom of the ocean between the islands of Vannaland and Vardiland in ARK Fjordur. Reaching 59.7, 50.0 players have to dive under the sea and spot some hexagonal pillars.

In this area, players will find a lot of Black Pearls, sometimes hidden behind sea weeds. This area is also filled with dangerous sea creatures, including sharks, so players should take prior cautions.

3) 14.0, 64.4

Black pearl spawn location 3 (Image via ARK Survival Guide)

This is a newly added black pearl spawn area in ARK Fjordur located in the Poison Wyvern trench of Vannaheim. Reaching the co-ordinates of 14.0 and 64.4, players will find the Poison Wyvern trench. They are recommended to carry a gas mask, as the air in this area is very toxic. To gain access to the Poison Wyvern cave, players have to first clear the area of Poison Wyverns.

They can simply make the Wyverns chase them outside, as killing them all will be a pretty hectic job. After gaining access to the cave, players have to go to the waterfall at the very end of the cave. They then have to dive into the lake near the waterfall to get about 20 to 30 Black Pearl nodes.

4) 30.8, 08.1

Black pearl spawn location 4 (Image via ARK Survival Guide)

This Black Pearls spawn area is located in the Lightning Wyvern trench in the desert area of Vannaland on the ARK Fjordur map. Players can head to the south to Vannaland and easily find a cave with a trinagular opening at 30.8, 08.1. This is the Lightning Wyvern trench, an extremely dangerous place.

Players have to dive under the lake inside the cave to find quite a few Black Pearl nodes. But getting inside and outside will be pretty dangerous as several Lightning Wyverns will constantly keep shooting at the player.

5) 52.5, 15.8

Black pearl spawn location 5 (Image via ARK Survival Guide)

This Black Pearl spawning area is located right in the middle of the ocean between Vannaland and the swamp island of Midgard. The area can be easily located with the pink fish marked on the ARK Fjordur map. This location has the highest concentration of black pearls in the entire ARK Fjordur map.

But this location is very deep under the sea, and players may run out of oxygen quickly. This place is also filled with the most dangerous sea creatures on the map. Reaching 52.5, 15.8 players have to dive under the sea. They will see a hole between the heaxagon rock trenches, and players will have to dive inside the hole to enter the deep ocean.

Entering the deep ocean, players will immediately find a huge skeleton of some unknown sea creature. Throughout the entire skeletal area, players will find several Black Pearl nodes, spawned very densely.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

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5 best Black Pearl spawn locations in ARK Fjordur (1) 5 best Black Pearl spawn locations in ARK Fjordur (2)

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5 best Black Pearl spawn locations in ARK Fjordur (2024)


5 best Black Pearl spawn locations in ARK Fjordur? ›

Just go to eldrich zone on crystal isles and look for big bubbles that have some black clams/oysters inside of them, put your angler fish inside the bubble, harvest, and enjoy the best black pearls harvester in the entire game, super easy, rank up for people to see this.

Where is the best black pearl spot in Ark? ›

Just go to eldrich zone on crystal isles and look for big bubbles that have some black clams/oysters inside of them, put your angler fish inside the bubble, harvest, and enjoy the best black pearls harvester in the entire game, super easy, rank up for people to see this.

Where to find pearls on Fjordur? ›

Silica Pearls can usually be found in deeper areas of the seas, icy shores of snow biomes, and underwater caves. This resource can sometimes also be found in Beaver Dams.

Where are black pearls found? ›

The Tahitian pearl (or black pearl) is an organic gem formed from the black lip oyster (Pinctada margaritifera). These pearls derive their name from the fact that they are primarily cultivated around the islands of French Polynesia, around Tahiti.

What map on Ark has the most black pearls? ›

This Black Pearl spawning area is located right in the middle of the ocean between Vannaland and the swamp island of Midgard. The area can be easily located with the pink fish marked on the ARK Fjordur map. This location has the highest concentration of black pearls in the entire ARK Fjordur map.

What dinos drop black pearls? ›

Black Pearls are a resource in ARK: Survival Evolved. They can be obtained by harvesting dead Trilobite, Deathworm, Eurypterid, Ammonite, Tusoteuthis, Alpha Tusoteuthis and Alpha Mosasaur. They can also drop as rare loot when catching fish with a Fishing Rod.

What is the best spot for pearls in Ark? ›

On The Island, Silica Pearls can be easily found in the top left corner of the map (about 30 lat, 10 lon) they're seen as large white and blue stones in the water. At roughly 39 59 on crystal isles you'll find thousands of them all clustered together.

What is the best Dino to gather Silica Pearls? ›

These animals can't assault the ground like Plesiosaurs or Mosasaurs since they move slowly. Megalodons are also less successful in collecting pearls than Angler Fish are. In order to collect Silica Pearls, users should pick a more appropriate dino, such as Plesiosaurs, Mosasaurs, or Angler Fish.

Is black pearl the rarest? ›

The pearl colours that are rarest in natural pearls are gold and black. Pink, light blue, and lavender coloured natural pearls can also be rarely found. Cultured pearls can come in a range of different, rarely-found colours. These range from pale blue, pale pink, pistachio green through to deep purples.

What is the famous black pearl? ›

Dark, colorful and exotic, Tahitian pearls are known as the first naturally colored black pearl in existence, and they've been wowing pearl lovers world-over for decades.

What is a black pearl called? ›

Exotic black pearls from the Pinctada margaritifera or Black-lip pearl oyster, are more commonly known as Tahitian pearls. These pearls are often referred to as black, but have a remarkable color range that covers the spectrum - from light, creamy white and grey, to regal greens, iridescent peaco*ck and deep black.

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.